TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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I thought I'd start a thread for pictures and discussion of UV fluorescence in CPs. I get the impression that it's not a very well-known phenomenon, and I'd like to change that!
I'll start with a fantastic picture of N. "Triffid" I took last night:
And one of my random hybrid from April...
Last update: 3/7/18
If you have any suggestions for ways to improve the organization of my growlist, please let me know!
Byblis gigantea
Byblis guehoi, West Kimberley
Byblis lamellata, Eneabba, WA, BCP S064
Cephalotus follicularis
Darlingtonia californica...
Nepenthes burbidgea x platychila
Nepenthes ventricosa x ephippiata
Both plants are over 12" across and are very fast and robust growers.
I'm looking for:
Nepenthes :
alata - Surigao
albomarginata - Penang
argentii - SG
argentii - BCP Clones
Will be turning this one into a continuous update thread as well... Tired of making new threads for pics... unless its something special of course.
N. lowii x ventricosa Red
N. eymae x veitchii H/L
N. ventricosa x angasanensis ( i need to clean up some dead traps)
N. xSplendiana
I set up a simple table with most all Nepenthes species broken into the five common categories; ultra-lowland, lowland, intermediate, highland, and ultra-highland. I have based the placement on altitudinal distribution mostly. I also have temperature range at the top of each category.
Had some spare time today and thought i would take a few pics...
Nepenthes lowii x campanulata
Nepenthes flava
Newly opened N. spectabilis North Sumatra lower trap
N. ventricosa x angasanensis
N. ventricosa
N. fusca Flared Peristome
N. ventricosa red x talangensis
I got my new camera finally the other day, and have been going nuts with it haha....
so here are a few of my Nepenthes in their winter home....
N. ramispina
has two spurs
N. spectabilis "North Sumatra"
N. ephippiata
N. maxima-dark x talangensis
N. xSplendiana intermediate and upper traps...
Hello all,
I finally have the room and environment to try and grow just about every species of Nepenthes.
If you have any extra of any of the following please let me know. Please email me at jeremiahsplants@comcast.net
N. alba
N. andamana
N. angasanensis
N. beccariana
N. chang
N. danseri
Will start with a couple of my new babies....
N. maxima dark x xTrusmadiensis rooted cutting
N. maxima 'Mini'
and now the ones ive had for awhile :P
N. flava
N. singalana 'Belirang'
N. singalana 'Tujuh'
Newly opened N. hamata pitcher from a basal (mother plant got hit with a slug and...
Well i had to replace the bulbs in an 8 foot fixture, and last year taking pics under those lights was a pain because of the color of the bulbs...now i can take photos without an awkward purple tint....
Nepenthes xSplendiana upper trap
Nepenthes fusca Flared Peristome
Nepenthes jacquelineae...
Just wondering if variegation is possible with red/green in nepenthes as opposed to green/white...
im noticing the same markings you would see in variegation, but rather green and red on my ventricosa x angasanensis...the entire plant gets the same amount of light, and regardless of what light...
Well i have had a rough couple of days, so i took some time for myself and my plants and took some photos
Nepenthes glabrata
Nepenthes mikei
Nepenthes ramispina
Nepenthes spectabilis x aristolochioides
Nepenthes chaniana x veitchii
Nepenthes ephippiata (kinda retarded pitcher)
Had some spare time when i got off of work today to take some photos before watering the plants...it was getting a bit dark but the pics still turned out decently.
Enjoy :)
N. glabrata
N. maxima dark x talangensis
N. truncata x xTrusmadiensis
N. spectabilis x aristolochioides
N. jamban...
1st place goes to elgecko, with the always, ever-so-stunning N. xDyeriana
elgecko- i absolutely love the peristome on this plant, congratulations on this beauty, though no doubt it has to be due to the magic windows.... :P
2nd place goes to Exo with a young, but beautiful seedgrown N. hamata...
had an hour of spare time today so i thought i would take and share some photos with you guys...dial up users beware lol.
ventricosa x angasanensis
fusca flared peristome
N. mikei
N. ovata
fresh opened spectabilis x aristolochioides
N. flava
couple of N. jamban clones
With the weather being gorgeous, i couldnt resist getting some photos of neps out in the sun and waiting for the right day to finally get them into the greenhouse, we keep getting random nights into the 30s still (no go for my neps lol)
N. spectabilis
N. maxima dark x talangensis [EP]...
Freshly rooted cutting with no pitchers. This is proving to be a very good hybrid - ask around!
From the mother plant:
US only. I pay shipping. Bidding starts at a buck.
Grow List of the Carnivore Queen!
I started growing CPs in 2006.
As much as I love SASE and trades and giveaways...please do NOT send me unsolicited offers!
I will post in the forums if I have anything to spare, or am actively looking for something.
While I'm an aspiring carnivore queen, I've...
I received this as an unrooted cutting awhile back from Max (capslock) and once it rooted, it just took off...it is now probably one of my favorite plants in my collection.
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