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yellow christmas cactus also thanks giving blooming


this is so cool ,I've never seen this color on these plants:blush:.
Lovely! I have 5 Christmas cacti, but none are yellow and pink.
im going to propagate a dozen or so for next year i want more of this one .
NBLD do you have pics of your cacti. post them if you like here id like to see yours.
Yeah that is a sweet color variation, I also have never seen that color on that plant before.
Very nice coloration on that one. Haven't seen one quite like that before. :)
That's a Thanksgiving cactus, not Christmas. Sorry to break the news. Christmas have scalloped (rounded) edges.
I don't have anyone in bloom anymore, but I did successfully create seed pods on all but one plant. :) Now I just have to sit tight for a year or so for the seed.
wow a year for seed, do they germinate readily .
i got lots of potted up cuttings startes i think they all struck and ar rooting nicely. i can usuall get a bloom or two in the first year. and cover the plant with blooms by year two.
i've been trying to find a yellow one for a while now. let me know when you have some extras!
  • #10
Wow. Those are beautiful! I don't think I've seen those either. I have one with dark pink flowers that is just getting done flowering. I really enjoy these plants...at least durring the two times a year when they flower ;), lol.
  • #11
wow a year for seed, do they germinate readily .
i got lots of potted up cuttings startes i think they all struck and ar rooting nicely. i can usuall get a bloom or two in the first year. and cover the plant with blooms by year two.

This is my first attempt, so I'm not sure. I'll let you know when I harvest the seed.
  • #12
I love that color, never seen it before!
  • #13
ive had great success in propagating some babies from this beauty.
  • #14
here are some of the babies.
  • #15
beautiful picture never seen a yellow one before!
  • #16
this is so cool ,I've never seen this color on these plants:blush:.

Theses flowers are simply beautiful!