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Just would like to invite you to check out my new online store specialized in drosera species stationed in Prague, Czech Republic.
I cant send plants to the USA but if you find yourself moving to EU or need some seeds you can take a look at it :)
I hope you like it i have never designed a www before. Happy growing!
your website looks wonderfully put together! Really wish you were stateside but oh well :p

I hope business is good to you
Great site! I'm sure you will get lots of business - your plants are incredibly well grown and I would buy a good selection of them in a heartbeat if I lived in Eu. . .

Do you sell seeds to Canada?
Time to move back to Europe. What an incredible selection of plants! Great site too.
you cruel, cruel, CRUEL man! :lol:

great job on the site though!
such a tease..
Good looking stuff...

...just a heads up, there is navigation bug on the right side window...if I am in the Australian Dews section and clock on anything it closes that sub-menu and reopens the African Dews section. It does this with any sub-category. It might be better to have the section in an i-frame or something similar
Thank you all!
Devon: Yes, I do :)
Josh: thank you for the feedback I will correct the navigation.