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Will the real Drosera petiolaris please stand up

Got some plants labeled as D. petiolaris and D. dilato petiolaris. Got me wondering

This one i got as dilato petiolaris:

These 2 I got as petiolaris:

The last two have bene grown under slightly different light because they were still in quarantine. So their color might not be what they will really look like. However their growth habits seem to be very different... Any ideas?
as a self-proclaimed authority of the petiolaris complex, i say "all look same to me" ???
what kind of growth habits are we talking about?
as a self-proclaimed authority of the petiolaris complex, i say "all look same to me" ???
what kind of growth habits are we talking about?

side profile DDP is low to the ground . DP is upright. don king hair....
both petiolaris pots exhibit this consistently? the 2nd looks like half p and dp.
both petiolaris pots exhibit this consistently? the 2nd looks like half p and dp.

that is the question that i have as well. second pic was sent to me as Dp. but to me it looks like Ddp....
Polymorphism has been observed in the leaves of D. dilatatopetiolaris so at times the plants have leaves similar to D. petiolaris. It would thus appear that many plants labeled as D. petiolaris are actually D. dilatatopetiolaris. There also different forms of D. dilatatopetiolaris

A revised taxonomic key and descriptions are in this paper. Unfortunately some of the keys require comparing the flowers.

Allen Lowrie's taxonomic can be found in his papers on Petiolaris complex Drosera and are available online. Since the site hosting this is also a CP nursery selling online the link will not be posted.
I'm no expert and can not recall where I got this plant. (Would have to check records and at work right now.)

This is what my D. dilato petiolaris look like.


Keep in mind that there is bound to be some variation between different plants, and morphological plasticity based on conditions. I'm no expert, but they all look similar enough to me; especially since they come from different sources and have been grown in different conditions.
D. roundandstickia?