A European paper wasp (Polistes dominula) trying to feed on the tiny droplets of nectar secreted on the underside of the operculum of a yellow pitcher plant (Sarracenia flava). As you can see the wasp had a very precarious hold on the slippery lip of the plant. You can tell that this wasn’t going to end well…at least not for the wasp. Moments later it slipped and disappeared into the trap.
Blog: http://wp.me/2wM8r
Olympus OM-D E-M5; Zuiko 60mm micro 4/3 macro; manual exposure (F11 @ 1/200 sec); Olympus RF-11 ring flash (1/2 power); 200

P8120201 wasp on pitcher plant copyright ernie cooper 2013 by ernie.cooper, on Flickr
Blog: http://wp.me/2wM8r
Olympus OM-D E-M5; Zuiko 60mm micro 4/3 macro; manual exposure (F11 @ 1/200 sec); Olympus RF-11 ring flash (1/2 power); 200

P8120201 wasp on pitcher plant copyright ernie cooper 2013 by ernie.cooper, on Flickr
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