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Wanted: Sarracenia Flower Petals.

lil hokie

heatherfeather knows the weather!
Yes that is right. I want sarracenia flower petals that have dropped from the flowers and hopefully that have dried out. This is for a project I am attempting to do. Let me know if you are willing to help out!
I will see what I can find, the winds have kicked up over the last week, not sure how many petals I can find. You want them even if they have not dried though right?
I will see what I can find, the winds have kicked up over the last week, not sure how many petals I can find. You want them even if they have not dried though right?

I would prefer dried out petals but if not I think I can still use them. I will dry them out here.
ok I will look in the morning. I know it sounds funny, but how many do you need? If you need a bunch I may be able to help out, but they may not all be dry. Honestly, none of them may be dry. LOL
ok I will look in the morning. I know it sounds funny, but how many do you need? If you need a bunch I may be able to help out, but they may not all be dry. Honestly, none of them may be dry. LOL

I am thinking a bunch!!
How soon do you need them? How soon would you like to have them?
I do not need them that soon. My first round of flower petals have not dropped yet. Just whenever you have time or whenever you can. I am not picky.
Ok, I am like 6 miles from the GH at CSUF. let me get ahold of Ed and see if I can run over there in a few days and grab some.
Anyone else have any spare flower petals?? :rolleyes:
  • #10
The ones that have dropped on mine are decomposing.
  • #11
I'll check mine.
  • #12
Thanks Sheila
  • #13
I found some.