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Utricularia calycifida givaway

I have 1000+ U.calycifida seeds to give for free. The shipping is free too.
Just ask :)

You can see the pictures of the plants in the Utri section.
What a generous offer! I would love to try U. calycifida. Are the seeds from the one in the pics?
I would also love some if they are still available. I'll pm you
I've been trying to hunt down these for over a year now!
May I have some please? Thanks for the offer:)
This is a species I've been wanting to try for a long time, but never found. If there are any seeds left, would I be able to request a pack?
i would like to try some if they are still available.
Shortbus: yes

All others: please send me a PM :)
  • #10
I reach my 60$ shipping fee limit.
Thanks to all :)
Terraforums have 33 news U.calycifida happy growers :)
Each parcel = 30 to 50 seeds.

Check your mailbox in a fews weeks!
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  • #11
Thank you so much. I'll enjoy growing this plant.
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  • #12
Thanks a lot for this greatful offer:)
  • #13
got the seeds today! thank you so much!
  • #14
Seeds arrived Thursday. A big thanks again! Now I'll be contemplating exactly how I'm gonna germinate these guys for a week lol.
  • #15
:) Im looking foward for the pictures !
  • #16
Ha ha, I in China, otherwise also can touch your light.
  • #17
They seem to like the jello :)
  • #18
Good to see you have germination.

I have a mixture of orchid bark/charcoal/lfs with a top layer of chopped living sphagnum so the seeds wouldn't just fall through the media. I have a cover over it to increase humidity and have placed it about a foot away from a south window sill, to make sure it doesn't get to hot. I haven't noticed any germination but its extremely hard to tell with all the green sphagnum and by the looks of how slow they are growing in-vitro. I'm assuming they are going to grow that much slower for me.

Keep up the good work. Looking forward to more updates and hopefully you'll see one from me.
  • #19
Have about 12 sprouts so far, more may likely be on the way. A quick note: I tried sprouting seeds on both sphagnum and polymer spheres that hold water for glass vases, but only seeds on the sphagnum want to sprout.
  • #20
Pokie22: nice :)

Jwbates26: sounds good. You will have germination for sure :)

Hcarlton: lOoking foward 4 the pictures :)