Finally starting my first photo thread! I must warn you though. I do not have the best camera or photography skills. I also do not have very many plants...YET. So here goes. Hope you like 'em
My Nepenthes Ventrata growing happily on a windowsill
Newly opened pitcher. Like this pic a lot.
Capensis baby
My little Sarracenia hybrid. S. Oreophila X Moorei "Wilkersons White Knight"
Sarraceina unkown parentage. A big eaten by slugs but sending up new ones!
75% of the plants shown were auctually donated to me from a generous forum member.:grin:
My Nepenthes Ventrata growing happily on a windowsill
Newly opened pitcher. Like this pic a lot.
Capensis baby
My little Sarracenia hybrid. S. Oreophila X Moorei "Wilkersons White Knight"
Sarraceina unkown parentage. A big eaten by slugs but sending up new ones!
75% of the plants shown were auctually donated to me from a generous forum member.:grin: