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TOG's Photo Thread

Finally starting my first photo thread! I must warn you though. I do not have the best camera or photography skills. I also do not have very many plants...YET. So here goes. Hope you like 'em :-D

My Nepenthes Ventrata growing happily on a windowsill

Newly opened pitcher. Like this pic a lot.

Capensis baby

My little Sarracenia hybrid. S. Oreophila X Moorei "Wilkersons White Knight"

Sarraceina unkown parentage. A big eaten by slugs but sending up new ones!


75% of the plants shown were auctually donated to me from a generous forum member.:grin:
The early warning signs of a serious psychological problem...

Nice plants, TOG!
Up to a great Start, I really like the Nep photo.
Looks nice :). You've contracted the obsession..
Yep definetly have. I will be getting more plants as I will be sowing tons of seeds.
Definitely some photographic skill exhibited here. 'Nice avatar shot!
75% of the plants shown were auctually donated to me from a generous forum member.:grin:

I quickly realized after joining here that many members here are extremely generous and hope I can contribute shortly in the future as my plants mature. Great photo of the ventrata and looks like you're off to an awesome start!
Bluemax-Thanks its hard taking good pictures with a Canon Powershot G9.

Softie57-Yes this forum is filled with generous members and I also hope that I can be part of it sometime soon! :)
  • #10
The capensis died on me!! :cry:
It was on its side this morning (not the pot, the plant) and so I just put it back up and thought it was nothing. Apparently I was wrong. Came back from school 30 min ago and saw that it was all dry and brown with no sign of life. It was 93 today and yesterday so maybe thats what killed it. But the strange thing is that the soil smelled like cow manure. I smelled the other pots and only the bigger sarrecenia smelled like it too. The water smelled of it as well so I changed it. I am using distilled from now on. Good thing it was only a capensis. But still it reduced my collection by a quarter. :(

Anyone know what caused it to die? Has this ever happened with your soil or water?
  • #13
If you werent using distilled before, what kind of water were you using?
  • #14
Rain everyone once in a while, but mostly water from the fridge. It had a low ppm though. About 45 ppm
  • #15
I would say to definitely stop using the fridge water.. Even if it has a low PPM, minerals can still built up in the soil over time. Sarrs dont mind too much about it, but drosera definitely do..
  • #16
N. Sophia from Paul Barden. Thanks so much!! :)

Biggest pitcher. So fuzzy
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  • #17
Great looking plants, that nep looks really happy! Sorry to hear about the capensis, I have TONS of extra capensis and binatas, theyre the biggest weeds of my bogs. If you want one or two, you can just PM me :)
  • #18
Paul is very generous! That's a nice plant! Can't wait to see more mature pitchers on that thing. :banana2:

And dang, that's an old quarter! :drool:
  • #19
Iwest- No thats ok. I already have some capensis seeds that germinated. Thanks for the offer though. :)

Pineapple- Yes pay all your attention to the quarter. :lac:
  • #20
Bought a few soil ingredients today

Is the sphagnum moss safe?

Is this sand safe?