TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Sarracenia C2- Noid (moorei I think)
NOID C2- I think this is a moorei of some type. Plant from my bog. Just has mainly phyllodia at this time. The spring/early summer pitchers have already been removed. Big root system, multiple growth points. Big plants. It's been repotted into gallon pots...
C1- Noid (moorei I think)
NOID C1- I think this is a moorei of some type. Plant from my bog. Just has mainly phyllodia at this time. The spring/early summer pitchers have already been removed. Big root system, multiple growth points. Big plants. It's been repotted into gallon pots for the...
This is what I'm growing out at the moment:
"Lady Luck" from Borneo Exotics
(I used to grow more Nep's but they grew way too large for my setup so I found a grower friend to adopt them)
H. minor var. minor (FTS)
H. minor var. minor "Big Orange"
H. heterodoxa x...
Deltatango 301 Growlist 138 plants in Greenhouse 10' X 6'
WANTED Drosera Derbyensis D. Adelae D. Ultramafica X Spatulata D. Purpurascens
My Plants
x phalaenopsis X 2 (Dobbies)
bromeliad (Dobbies)
Sun Pitcher
nutans x heterodoxa (HV011Hants)
Cobra Lily
I am offering an amount of seed from a cross I harvested yesterday: S. Blood Moon X Adrian Slack, two exceptional clones of S. X Moorei:
I will cover the mailing cost. Sign up with a standard numbered list. Note: anyone who can't properly copy and paste whilst adding their name to the list is...
Marcus's Growlist
C. follicularis
D. muscipula typical
D. anglica Kanaele Bog, Kauai, HI
D. anglica near Lake Constance, Germany
D. "burkeana" (most likely not!)
D. capensis albino
D. capensis broad leaf [pictures]
D. capensis typical
D. capillaris
D. filiformis
I believe I now have enough plants to make a grow list. Not large, but over the course of just this year I have doubled it! :D Hopefully next year I will have a few more plants to add.
Jaws (3)
FTS Maroon Monster (3)
FTS Etna (2)
Fine Tooth x Red (4)
Typical #3 (this...
For auction, half the contents of this pot of one-year-old Sarracenia oreophila X Leah Wilkerson seedlings. Bidding starts at $5.00, winning bidder pays shipping (small flat rate USPS box)
Addendum: if the winning bid for these exceeds $20, I will also include at least 20 seedlings of a cross of...
Seems to be a year for taller pitcher growth. Maybe not the best I've seen but above average. I measured these by placing the yard stick on the top of the media close to the pitcher as possible.
Let's see yours too.
S. moorei
A hybrid possibly S. moorei back-crossed
S. flava
S. oreophila...
I wanted to start a thread to show off my sarracenias, I hope you enjoy!
S. areolata "Giant" x moorei "pinkish top"
<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/129296903@N08/16683343677" title="S. areolata "Giant" x moorei "pinkish top" by Travis Edwards, on Flickr"><img...
Jpappy's porch growing photo thread
Got a bunch of new plants in today and ready to start my outdoor collection. All US natives and hybrids at the moment. Apologies if Sarracenia names are a bit incorrect, my taxonomic knowledge of the genus is a bit rough so this is how they were labeled from...
October pics taken before winter weather shut everything down. A week of overnight temps below freezing has sent all but the hardiest into hibernation.
[/url]IMG_0887x1 by Djoni C, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]IMG_0732x1 by Djoni C, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]IMG_0794x1 by Djoni C, on Flickr[/IMG]...
Ps3isawesome growlist (Updated 3/11/2016)
This all began on July 3rd 2014
King Henry
Red Sawtooth
Towering Giant
G14 Rosetted "Dirk Ventham's Giant"
Big Mouth
Akai Ryu (Thanks to Dionae)
Unknown (From Lowes)
Leucophylla x Tarnok
Adrian Slack
Adrian Slack x Judith Hindle...
Updated 2/21/2015.
S. alata
- S. alata var. nigrapurpurea (Mike Wang)
S. flava
- S. flava var. rugelli x var. maxima
- S. flava var. cuprea
- S. flava var. rubricorpora (Liberty Co, FL) (various clones) (Mike Wang)
- S. flava var. rubricorpora 'agristats' x var. ornata (Phil...
D. filiformis
D. muscipula (normal)
N. bicalcarata (Brunei orange)
N. bicalcarata (Sarawak Giant)
N. ampullaria (Brunei spotted)
N. mirabilis (Red Globosa Viking)
N. ventricosa
N. rafflesiana (seedlings)
N. truncata
N. hookeriana
S. flava
S. leucophylla 'Tarnok'
I have the following available for trade, if anybody's interested... (Click on the photo to view larger)
1) D. muscipula 'wacky traps'
Update: 'wacky traps' is spoken for at this time, cheers...
2) D. muscipula 'FTS Shogun Star' (basically a really, really dentate clone.
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