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The Carnivorous Plant Specialist Group

One of the most exciting things to come out of the ICPS conference was the announcement of the CPSG (Carnivorous Plant Specialist Group). Currently the group is really in its infancy. To be precise the website was launched about two days before the conference. Rob Cantley's lecture at the conference was about this group and the goals it has. The more members this group has the more attention we receive from the IUCN and the better chance we have at having all of the incredible plants we love protected. So go sign up and lets save some CPs! Currently I am the Sarracenia specialist in charge of creating the red list assessment. If you wish to sign up as a specialist please realize that you must be able to perform in field research to obtain proper inventories and data for these plants. Also, anyone that signs up as a specialist will be vetted by the current specialists, the focal point, and/or the chair of the CPSG. So unless you are actually qualified to aid in an IUCN red list assessment please sign up as a general member.


This is an interesting group. However, how will be specialists be able to coordinate an effort with eachother, and can a general member switch to a specialist?
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Specialists coordinate with each other through email and if possible in person meetings. If you think you may qualify as a specialist apply as one initially. It is easier to do it that way for all involved. We're just trying to avoid having a bunch of kids applying for every specialist position when they're not at all qualified. If you think you can help as a specialist go ahead and apply as one.