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Return to the bog of purp!

Some of you people may remember this thread:


Anyways, I went back there. The boardwalk is under renovation. So I could not get really close. And I was hampered by my lack of a telephoto. So no closeups. But some nice wide shots to demonstrate the size of the population.

Backstory: The bog was created by the deforestation of the area it is in. The location would flood, and a bog began to flourish. In the 1950's, the local botanical society planted a bunch of different bog plants. Including purps, and possibly some D. rotundifolia. The bog continued to grow, and is now home to an incredibly dense population of S. purpurea.

Anyways, here are the photos:








Found this little guy, near my Grandparent's cabin:

Thanks for looking!
nice pics :D wish there were some closeups tho :p
Do you want my paypal account ID? You can wire me about $500 for a shiny new telephoto!!
So many!!!
Nice purps, but I have to admit the wandering garter was what caught my eye. :D I love snakes!
Cool place. So are there still some D. rotundifolia around?
Close ups are a must. Where is this?
South Western PA, hopefully I will be able to get more close ups when I return next year. There are some close ups from last year in the thread I linked to at the beginning of this one.

Yeah, there are tons of rotunda in the pure sphagnum parts.
  • #10
I'd love to check out our purp bog this time of year.
But I don't think I'd make it out alive.