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Can anyone suggest me some sundews that are easy to take care of? I only have a capensis and adelae. I keep them in a terrarium that stays around 75 degrees and 75 humidity. So far mine are doing good except the capensis doesnt have much dew since I had to move it from an airtight glass jar which most likely had a higher humidity. I only started with carnivorus plants a couple months ago so I am far from being a pro. I was thinking about getting an intermedia 'Florida'. Any suggestions welcome.
Some of the easier species include: Aliciae, binata, capensis "albino", dielsiana, intermedia (tropical), natalensis, and spatulata.
Hi Shizuo

Welcome to the forums.
D. spatula is a pretty easy one to grow. And d. aliciae is too. I'm glad you are getting into the sundews. They are my favorites. I believe Phil and Jeff have d. spatulata...if they are still in stock. I have some d. capillaris seedlings but they are too small to ship out now or I'd send you one.

Gee Tamlin...you're tooooo fast. You whipped your post in before I could hit the submit button. lol

Wouldn't want to play against you in a game show where you had to hit a button to answer.

Try D. Capensis also known as the Cape Sundew. It is a good beginner plant. Easy to take care of.