Hey TF members! Have you ever grew something and never growing it again or taking a long break from growing it?
Of course, I'll start
Phalaenopsis Orchids-Yup, that's right those "easy, beginner ones". Tried 5 times with different kinds at different times, they "survived" for a while.... then they declined with yellowing leaves no matter what I do
Cacti Sp.-Those cool tiny ones they sell at Home Depot..... grew it inside, stretched and broke... grew it outside, turned an abnormal deep red, then dehydrated, then died...
Succulent sp.-Same reasons as above(Only ones that survives are euphorbias, right now I have euphorbia milii and adenium obesum)
Plumeria Rubra-Had a white, yellow one and a red, yellow, pink one... pink, yellow, red one died from rot((, and then the yellow, white one died when it dropped off my window sill.... was very depressed when the yellow, white one died((((
After those failures I ended up in Carnivorous Plants(where I'm pretty successful)..... leading me to TF
Of course, I'll start
Phalaenopsis Orchids-Yup, that's right those "easy, beginner ones". Tried 5 times with different kinds at different times, they "survived" for a while.... then they declined with yellowing leaves no matter what I do
Cacti Sp.-Those cool tiny ones they sell at Home Depot..... grew it inside, stretched and broke... grew it outside, turned an abnormal deep red, then dehydrated, then died...
Succulent sp.-Same reasons as above(Only ones that survives are euphorbias, right now I have euphorbia milii and adenium obesum)
Plumeria Rubra-Had a white, yellow one and a red, yellow, pink one... pink, yellow, red one died from rot((, and then the yellow, white one died when it dropped off my window sill.... was very depressed when the yellow, white one died((((
After those failures I ended up in Carnivorous Plants(where I'm pretty successful)..... leading me to TF