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Plant of the Month May 2013

Vote vote vote for the 3 best!

  • Crissytal - P. agnata x emarginata

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • SgtSarracenia - S. x'Catesbaei'

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • JMN16150 - S. leucophylla

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maiden - H. minor Auyan Tepui

    Votes: 12 60.0%
  • corky - D. slackii

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Favian - N. 'First Light'

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • amphirion - D. fulva

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • mcmcnair - D. fulva

    Votes: 12 60.0%
  • Wire Man - U. laxa

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Not a Number - D. admirabilis (holotype, small form)

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Lil Stinkpot - N. albomarginata

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • RL7836 - U. alpina

    Votes: 7 35.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


1. Only ONE (1) Plant per member may be entered in any particular month. This means one Nep vine, one Sarr Rhizome, one pygmy dew etc.
2. All pictures must be taken in the month of entry into the contest.
3. All entries must be clearly identified.
4. Entries are restricted to cultivated plants.
5. Contestants may post as many times and as many pictures of their entry as they like until contest closing on 05/31/13
6. Sequential pictures showing opening of a pitcher, unfurling of a leaf etc. are fine as long as all pictures are taken within the month of the contest.
7. If, for some reason, a single pitcher/plant/whatnot cannot be isolated and a group shot is necessary, then the particular pitcher/plant/whatnot entered must be clearly identified in your post.
8. Plant must have been grown by owner at least six months prior to photo, or sprouted from seed by the owner.
9. I didn't like this rule. You can keep entering the same thing month after month and if people still like it without getting sick of it, so be it.
10. Times of Contest and Poll openings and closings are to be understood as EST.
11. Judging by forum members and guests in a poll opening on 06/01/13, closing 06/05/13 and using this forum in this thread! Voting will appear at the top of the thread at the close of the contest entries.

** Please remember to clearly identify your entry!!**

Contest will be closed on May 31st 2013 at 5:00PM EST

Good Luck!
I've seen these monthly posts (and love them) but can I get a little clarification on just what rule #4 means specifically?

4. Entries are restricted to cultivated plants.

I've seen these monthly posts (and love them) but can I get a little clarification on just what rule #4 means specifically?

4. Entries are restricted to cultivated plants.


no photographs of plants from the wild.
It means you've gotta be growing it (e.g. you put it where it's growing, you water it, etc.) vs. you live in borneo and took a picture of a nice plant that's growing in your front yard cuz the wind blew the seed there it 10 years ago.
Thanks guys, I figured it was that simple but for some reason I also wondered if it had to have been grown (from seed, TC, etc) by the person submitting it.
just wondered ,i have a couple of plants with no id can they still be entered,this question also applies to the nep pitcher of the month,cheers
just wondered ,i have a couple of plants with no id can they still be entered,this question also applies to the nep pitcher of the month,cheers

I didn't allow it when I was running POTM because it went against rule #3 IMO. But the new boss in charge may be more lenient..
thats what i always thought Mass,we shall see what the boss says
Yeah, I've had a couple people enter unknown hybrids of Sam Estes origin at pitcher of the month. I just included them in voting with some label like 'unknown hybrid'. At least label genus, yeah? :p
  • #10
lol.. I like your methods better than mine. More fun for everyone your way.
You're doing a good job.
  • #11
thats cool, cheers
  • #12
Two pages already and not a single picture. Come on guys! :nono:

I guess I'll start this month off too.

P. agnata x emarginata
  • #13
Sarracenia x 'Catesbaei'

  • #14
This is my common S. leucophylla, the first pitchers of the season were HORRIBLE-looking, so I cut them off:)

S. leucophylla

  • #15
Heliamphora minor auyan tepuy

  • #16
Maiden, your Heliamphora is spectacular!
  • #17
great shot Maiden. That plant is gorgeous..
  • #18
Thanks ! :)
Last edited:
  • #19
Maiden!! SIGH
  • #20
here is my d.slackii have had it a few years now its pretty big too