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Another m.pudica grower ?

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/dals09/7366077800/" title="mimosa pudica de dals009, sur Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7223/7366077800_b0c5977cbd.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="mimosa pudica"></a>
One of my fav plants in my collection! A 3yo plants!

Here my growing conditions:

Soil: normal gardening soil, you can fertilize the mimosa every two weeks.

Water: I use tempered water, or medium hot water. The mimosa hate cold water.
I water my m.pudica everytime the soil surface is medium dry. I use rain water but public water is ok. The plant also will thrive in 50%+ relative humidity.

Light: i grow my mimosa under 64watts sunblaster neon with reflector, with my carnivorous plants.

I've wanted one of these, but couldn't find one on ebay so I gave up lol. Sticking to neps. :p
I have many youngs and mature mimosa plants to trade :)
I also have some six month old plants in 4" pots for trade.
Whimgrinder do you grow them in full sun ?
Do you have some pictures ?
Have any of you grown them from seed? Mine are currently failing.
Such a cool plant, always wanted one, but being they are invasive and I would be growing them outside I never got one.
Have any of you grown them from seed? Mine are currently failing.

My plants are grown from seed, yes. I sowed the seeds in October of 2011 and they were slow to develop in my cool Nepenthes house (clearly didn't like the night temps). However, they are getting large now, currently in an unheated 50% shade house.
i have a mimosa tree in my yard thats bout 20 feet tall. lovely flowers in ealry summer :) obv not the same species but looks quite similar
  • #10
MylesG: 20feets ? Wow ! You have a picture ?

Whimgrinder do you grow your mimosa seedlings/plants under artificial conditions ?
I got seeds of that genus but never tried. I got an adult m.pudica in a giftshop and multiply the plant with cuttings.
  • #11
Anyone know how to pollinate the flowers? Mine's been in bloom lately and I haven't had any luck.
  • #12
Whimgrinder do you grow your mimosa seedlings/plants under artificial conditions ?
I got seeds of that genus but never tried. I got an adult m.pudica in a giftshop and multiply the plant with cuttings.

If by "artificial conditions" you mean a greenhouse, then yes....I already mentioned that: a 50% shade house, open to the air and no heating at this time of year. They are ridiculously easy to start from seed: just Google the problem! Lots of info out there ;-)
  • #13
Short film of mine:
  • #14
That's nice compact growth Jesse. Mine is tall and gangly.
  • #16
Yeah mimosa are basically native here. Theres so much of them
  • #17
MylesG: yep, very nice :)
  • #18
Whim: artificial...you now... Artificial lighting, eating etc.. greenhouse do£esnt mean artificial conditions. Its just a growing location :)
  • #19
Whim: artificial...you now... Artificial lighting, eating etc.. greenhouse do£esnt mean artificial conditions. Its just a growing location :)

"Eating"?? Mimosa pudica doesn't "eat" anything!