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Lowes Ping ID

Helllo All,

Could you please help me ID this ping? Very new to pings as in, saw this awesome plant at Lowes and decided to make it a rescue.

From reading other posts, Lowes often sells Ping Primuliflora?

I have no idea if this is termperate or tropical? Any comments are appreciated!

Thank you!

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovetskjeff/7145949225/" title="Untitled by sovetsk.jeff, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8018/7145949225_de88c2ea8a_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="Untitled"></a>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovetskjeff/7145950693/" title="Untitled by sovetsk.jeff, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8026/7145950693_7044c94972_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="Untitled"></a>
pinguicula moctezumae
I would agree, if it were P. primuliflora, it would have wide, ground-hugging leaves, and nowhere near as suculent-looking.

may be a hybrid also.

wait for the flower to see.

Looks like P. moctezumae to me. If that's what it ends up being I'd say repot it out of that cheap Lowes LFS when you get a sec. In my experience, P. moctezumae is quick to croak if it stays too wet, and with the water retentiveness of LFS, that happens easily. Do some searches on the forum for recommended Mexican Ping media and have at it!
Try and get it to flower!:) i think it is a moctezume, but seeing what its flower looks like usually helps with an ID.

You say it came from Lowes? It was a death-cuber, right?
For comparison:

Ohhh, pretty!

yep, that certantly looks like it. but if PolishJeffs plant ends up having a flower that looks completely different, id say is a HYBRID.
  • #10
Thank you all for the replies. I wouldn't say a death 'cube' but a small dome as a lid with no ventilation. I'll see what I can do about flowing. The leaves look a lot like what JimScott posted.

I'm sure I'll lose a few of the older leaves as they're already browning on the ends. I'll follow up to this thread if it decides to thank me with a flower.

Looks like P. moctezumae to me. If that's what it ends up being I'd say repot it out of that cheap Lowes LFS when you get a sec. In my experience, P. moctezumae is quick to croak if it stays too wet, and with the water retentiveness of LFS, that happens easily. Do some searches on the forum for recommended Mexican Ping media and have at it!

I've done a quick search for tropical pings, looks like a mix of sand/peat/perlite should do the trick?

Thanks again to all for the insight!
  • #11
It's a shame that Lowes around me went to a different supplier for CP's. We used to get interesting plants, but not anymore. Seems that the west coast stores still get cool plants.
  • #12
You've had much better luck with plants from big chain stores than I have. Every time I visit Lowes or Home Depot, their CP stock is usually blackened and near death.
  • #13
I know I'm a little late to the party, but figured I'd give my $0.02. I've bought plenty of these from Lowes, and they have indeed been P. moctezumae.

Here's what some of mine looked like:

  • #14
I just got a ping from Lowes yesterday and I think mine is also a p. moctezuma. Can someone confirm it please?

  • #15
That's moctezumae for sure. Still have to get this guy back in my collection.
  • #16

It looks like you were all right, here is the Lowes Ping today!

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovetskjeff/7418087366/" title="IMG_0844 by sovetsk.jeff, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8145/7418087366_99897edd15_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="IMG_0844"></a>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovetskjeff/7418087806/" title="IMG_0843 by sovetsk.jeff, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8025/7418087806_eaf2c6a520_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="IMG_0843"></a>
  • #17
The only thing about Lowes is that they sometimes have some CP's by a nursery called "Gubler" this nursery dosent even put the right name of the plant your buying..
  • #18
Awesome to know! I had picked up that very same one from Lowe's a few months a go and was beginning to wonder what it was.