Helllo All,
Could you please help me ID this ping? Very new to pings as in, saw this awesome plant at Lowes and decided to make it a rescue.
From reading other posts, Lowes often sells Ping Primuliflora?
I have no idea if this is termperate or tropical? Any comments are appreciated!
Thank you!
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovetskjeff/7145949225/" title="Untitled by sovetsk.jeff, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8018/7145949225_de88c2ea8a_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="Untitled"></a>
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovetskjeff/7145950693/" title="Untitled by sovetsk.jeff, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8026/7145950693_7044c94972_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="Untitled"></a>
Could you please help me ID this ping? Very new to pings as in, saw this awesome plant at Lowes and decided to make it a rescue.
From reading other posts, Lowes often sells Ping Primuliflora?
I have no idea if this is termperate or tropical? Any comments are appreciated!
Thank you!
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovetskjeff/7145949225/" title="Untitled by sovetsk.jeff, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8018/7145949225_de88c2ea8a_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="Untitled"></a>
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovetskjeff/7145950693/" title="Untitled by sovetsk.jeff, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8026/7145950693_7044c94972_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="Untitled"></a>