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Looking for Utrics, have Ant Plants to trade

Looking for any terrarium suitable Utricularias. I currently have some multibranched small plants of Pachycentria glauca ssp. maingay available, but could also trade mini orchid divisions, Ceropegia cuttings, or cuttings off my ferns or epiphytes in the greenhouse. Month old pic of the Pachy's is below, they're larger now. Thanks :)

i have sandersonii, bisquamata, pubecence, and tricolor if youre interested

Interesting species, Bonnie. Do you also grow any of the Myrmecodia?
Unfortunately not Paul, only Hydnophytum for now. If you tell me what species you're looking for I can always keep an eye out for you at some of the plant sales I go to.
Any interest in genlisea? I'd like to try a new ant plant. Oz
Anything ever result from this?