TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Get this rare and intriguing red flowered micro mini orchid for free! First to respond is the winner, just pm me the details of where to ship, USA only.
Items currently for sale *I'm also open to trades.
Nepenthes Bicalcarata Seedling
Phragmipedium warscewiczianum x Phragmipedium wallissi
Drosera Medley
Laelia speciosa
Utricularia Subulata
Utricularia Sandersonii
Fetid Passionflower, 50 seeds...
Me and my wife have tried orchids several time with just about zero luck. We had just about given up on them all together. Well we just bout our first house and as self housewarming gift she bout us a rescue orchid from lowes(I don't even know what kind it is). She snuggled it in the corner on...
I got some clipping from a customer of min. He said to just place the in soil and they would root. I did what he said and its not looking good. I had it under a small cfl woth some of my other plants that seem to be doing well with it. I thought it might be getting to much light so I moved it...
Dionaea Muscipula:
Akai Ryu
S. Minor
D. Spatulata ( Fraser Island)
D. Adelae
Nepenthes ampullaria 'Brunei red' x (spectabilis 'Giant' x ventricosa)
Nepenthes Alata (cutting 12/19/16)
sown seeds
D. Capensis (Alba) 10/22/16
D. Burmannii (Green)...
I got suckered into getting another orchid from a sad grocery.
The flowers really did me in on this one.
Gilded Tower Mystic Maze
PS- Anyone know what the black spots are?
Should I be worried about viruses and introducing it to my other orchids
A friend of mine gave me a Dendrobium kingianum and told me that it was quite hardy and forgiving. However, I haven't figure out yet how exactly to tell when it truly needs watering or if I am over-watering. The problem is that it is rock-mounted and potted in a clay pot. Also, there is mulch...
Everytime I see a bunch of orchids at the local orchid society meetings, I'm always drawn to the weird little small-flowered ones (flowers smaller than a US quarter or nickel). I don't know what many of them are, but a lot seem to be Restrepia and Pleurothallis. I did some research and it seems...
Hi. This is my orchid terrarium. Its been in the works now for about six months. I will make comments as I go, but fire away with questions.
This is the cabinet, a snake case I was lucky to get for $80 on ebay.
I started by painting the interior with 4 coats of pond liner paint to...
Hi, I bought this orchid today and its label says that it's a cambria but to me it looks like a miltonia. Help please
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Paphiopedilum supersuk "Eureka" AM/AOS x Paph Raisin Pie "Hsinying") x Sib tips
So I picked up an impulse-buy plant (Or rather resist the impulse for several weeks and finally succumb.) It's a Paphiopedilum orchid. I have done poorly with a few Phalenopsis early in my growing, but feel ready to...
Paphiopedilum supersuk "Eureka" AM/AOS x Paph Raisin Pie "Hsinying") x Sib tips
So I picked up an impulse-buy plant (Or rather resist the impulse for several weeks and finally succumb plant.) It's a Paphiopedilum orchid. I have done poorly with a few Phalenopsis early in my growing, but feel...
I have 3 Amorphophallus konjac bulbs up for trade. One is a fatty, the other two are young, but growing. I got the big one a while ago from DragonsEye (so you know they are the real deal) and the small ones came off the fatty. They have not flowered for me yet, but the big one should flower...
I got my first nepenthes, a reinwardtiana (highland red) around July 4th:
I filled the pitchers with a few drops of distilled water. The brown spots and the small yellow leaf concerned me so I sent an email to the seller, but never got a reply. I also found a single scale on a fallen leaf...
Hi all. Been a while for me so I thought I'd check in. I'm finally back to work. Went back last Monday. The road has been long. Cervical spine surgery last September with a looong recovery process including residual peripheral neuropathy and sensory ataxia. Which in short means I was...
Another day, another site. This is a SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) near Mansfield. The Orchids on site include Dactylorhiza, Neottia ovata - Twayblade and Gymnadenia conopsea - the Fragrant Orchid
Orchid video No.3 for 2016.
It's a little longer than the first two as it's difficult to stop taking photos when there's so much good subject around.
I hope you enjoy.
This is a self set survivor of my original collection of Dactylorhiza maculata. It settled itself into a Hosta tub and hasn't looked back.The clone is now multi-headed and a bit of a favourite of MrsG.
Please forgive the size of the photo but I really thought it deserved it for the detail...
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