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Heliamphora minor

What a challenge this plant is !

I have to provide to this genus some awesome and freaks culture conditions !
-90% relative humidity 24/24
-100watts large spect. T5 sunblaster very close to the plants.
-23C to 27C day temp
-17C to 22C night temp
Of course, i use a A/C.

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/dals09/7394877386/" title="Heliamphora minor de dals009, sur Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8011/7394877386_2104fdecb1.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="Heliamphora minor"></a>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/dals09/7394866396/" title="Heliamphora minor de dals009, sur Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7102/7394866396_09904e0ebf.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="Heliamphora minor"></a>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/dals09/7394855902/" title="Heliamphora minor de dals009, sur Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8167/7394855902_14d1641d64.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="Heliamphora minor"></a>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/dals09/7394813092/" title="Heliamphora minor de dals009, sur Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7240/7394813092_10c15fc67a.jpg" width="500" height="374" alt="Heliamphora minor"></a>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/dals09/7394802032/" title="Heliamphora minor de dals009, sur Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8145/7394802032_ea644bde29.jpg" width="500" height="374" alt="Heliamphora minor"></a>

And i feed them with very very tiny pieces of bloodworm each month.
The rest of the time they catch they own food... I presume :)

How do you use AC? Do you have a duct from AC blowing onto the plants when AC is on or is it something more elaborate?
They look great Maiden.

Im definitely no heli expert, but you might want to find a way to get those night temperatures cooler on a consistant basis. 22C (~72F) at night is still very warm
I think you must have a fussy one. Mine just grows on a windowsill.

mobile, wow thats very nice! What temperatures do you give it? I managed to grow a heli on my windowsill for a while.
@Heli, To be honest I don't know the temperatures, as I don't monitor it. Aberdeen is North East Scotland, on the North sea coast, so we don't get particularly hot weather.
Woah Maiden, did all of those come from the MBG?
@maiden: take it how you will, but i suspect that your minor clone has a bit of heterodoxa in it based on the formation of the nectar spoon. minors are definitely more bent over and slightly dome shaped. the elongation and shape of the nectar spoon indicate some sort of heterodoxa influence.
the good news is that this means that the plant will take a wider range of temperatures and will be easier to grow.
mobile: very nice helis !! i think you should repot or divise :) mine had 67 adults urns when i divise him! but i wanted to sell some :)

22C at night is the maximum, but this week the night temps are like 17-19, and my helis thrive like crazy.

peatmoss: yes :) but the ppl there dont know how to take care of the plants. So the plants are often in bad condition. Be carefull if you buy something there. The pings are ok.

amphirion: serioustly ?? its not impossible... but its almost impossible for me to know !
  • #10
Both maiden and mobile: WOW that's a lot of pitchers!

mobile: It's hard to grow on a window when you're up in the cold, cold north because in the wintertime, all the moisture from the air is frozen on the ground instead of providing humidity for the plants :(
  • #11
(Again, im learning english, so sorry for the errors) :)

Thez_yo: better cold than too hot. You can buy a nanodome 10$, and its a perfect terra for growing heli. You can put your lightning system on the top, at 3 inch from the plant.
The strong special material hold any heat from the lighning. If needed you can put a heater pad under the terra.

Amphirion: i call at the montreal botanical garden(where i buy the original plant) and they say i have a h.minor 100% sure.

Also i looked at many many pictures of minor, heterodoxa and hybrid. And the pictures i provide here dont look like hybrid. Heterodoxa have a bigger spoon, and often darkier(with the intense solar radiations i think).

Heliamphora heterodoxa have a more bent over spoon, often the spoon can be as big as the pitcher.

Heliamphora minor have a spoon more vertical, less bent over the pitcher, and more little. And the minor have more hair everywhere.

But thanks anyway hehe :)

  • #12
great looking helis maiden :) makes mine look like itty bitty babies
  • #13
I can see the domed nectar spoon wanting to form. I think it just needs perfect conditions to fully form.
  • #14
Mobile all your plants is nice !
  • #15
Wire-man: exactly!

My growing conditions are not perfect, but its the best i can do for now!

  • #16
@maiden: please don't think that I am trolling you. Im making my statement based upon my personal experience. Also, please consider the possibility that the information you received about your plant may be outdated. most of the heliamphora species were recently discovered within the last decade or so, and until then, they were considered as either minor, heterodoxa, and nutans. McPherson et al, just wrote a dry but comprehensive book regarding key characteristics of each species. It may be benificial to take a look at it.
  • #17
Thanks for the info.

The book can be read online or i have to buy it? Im very interested!

  • #18
I think you have to purchase it and the book is rather expensive...look up redfern natural history with heliamphora on google and it should pop up.
  • #20
Very nice plants you have there! H. Minor was my first attempt at growing a Heli and mine finally died a couple weeks ago. The root rot had spread too far :(