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Your Real Mom

'Adrian Slack'

'Cobra Nest'

'Leah Wilkerson'

'Cobra Nest' x 'Leah Wilkerson' CloneB (Fred P)

Leucophylla "Purple Lips" x Flava Ornata

'Abandoned Hope'

'Hurricane Creek White' x 'Adrian Slack'

Random Sarr Mutt

Flava "Extreme Red Throat" Bay Co, FL

Purpurea ssp. purpurea "Giant" Caroline Co, VA (left) and Purpurea ssp. purpurea "Giant" Ocean Co, NJ (right)

3 year old VFT seedlings settling in

"FTS Maroon Monster"

'Akai Ryu'


The 'Jaws' Horde

VFT with odd coloration


Polygala Lutea (Anyone know if these self-pollinate?)
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More Exciting Stuff... Windowsill Nepenthes!

'Lady Luck' in Bio-Domes

Truncata (Pasian Highland)

Ventricosa with Sanguinea in the background

Izumae X xTrusmadiensis


Thanks for looking!
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I believe P.lutea both self pollinates and spreads by stolons. I started out with one in the bog about 4 years ago and now there are several flowering plants out there.
N. izumiae x trusmadiensis looks like an amazing cross. Unfortunately it's so expensive....
By the way, you posted the 'Lady Luck' pic twice, there's no truncata there :)
N. izumiae x trusmadiensis looks like an amazing cross. Unfortunately it's so expensive....
By the way, you posted the 'Lady Luck' pic twice, there's no truncata there :)

Doh! Fixed.
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Nice BE bio-domes. How long have you had those neps in them & how are they working for ya?
Nice BE bio-domes. How long have you had those neps in them & how are they working for ya?

Thanks!Received them already planted in the dome and I've had them since early June. They adjusted immediately to my windowsill and are both starting to push out leaves and inflating pitchers above the dome. (Southern window with early morning/afternoon direct sun)
That vft with your odd coloration looks really nice! Love how its kinda stripy or flame like looking!!
Very nice sars !
  • #10
Update now that I'm back from vacation

N. ventricosa looking good enough to eat

N. truncata 'Pasian' opened up.

N. 'Lady Luck's escaping the Bio-Dome

'Jaws' x 'Jaws' seed getting ready to harvest and giveaway. (Check that out here! http://sarracenia.proboards.com/thread/2447/jaws-seed-giveaway?page=1&scrollTo=19815)

'King Henry' already dwarfing the 'Jaws'

'Hurricane Creek White' x 'Adrian Slack' showing signs of self-destructing

Newer pitcher

Came home to this behemoth of a trap on my "Maroon Monster", this trap rivals 'King Henry' in size..

A Nepenthes mutt from Booman Floral that I affectionately refer to as N. "My Left Nut"

Thanks for looking!
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  • #11
Cool stuff Eric!! Your 'King Henry' is a BEAST!

You guys get any good pics from the greenhouse?
  • #12
Hahahahaha N. Left Nut.. Hehee!
I think im gonna call the atten clone#2 i won
"left nut clone#2) courtesy of bigbella
  • #14
^Whoops. Guess the tapatalk account isn't the same as my usual one. ???
Enjoy the pictures everyone. Apologies for the gut... had a bunch of dim sum an hour prior to visiting.

Part One!
N. 'Red Leopard'
IMG-20150711-WA0041 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

Little bro gawking at this table of Sarracenia.
IMG-20150711-WA0040 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

D. filiformis of some sort. (FL Red?)
IMG-20150711-WA0038 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

Massive glob of D. aliciae (?)
IMG-20150711-WA0037 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

Assorted VFTs
IMG-20150711-WA0036 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

A particularly well grown S. 'Carolina Yellow Jacket' Didn't exactly like this at first but now it's starting to grow on me. If you feel like trading near the end of the season I wouldn't mind sending a 'Ginormous' your way, Kevin. ;)
IMG-20150711-WA0035 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

Dichotoma 'Giant' everywhere
IMG-20150711-WA0034 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

S. leucophylla
IMG-20150711-WA0033 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

Monstrous bushes of Nepenthes.. foreground plant is N. maxima if I recall correctly
IMG-20150711-WA0031 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

Sarr table. That red one is the oddest 'Cobra Nest' I've ever seen. Wouldn't mind trading for a piece!
IMG-20150711-WA0032 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

Mimosa pudica
IMG-20150711-WA0028 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

N. 'Miranda' with N. ventricosa above
IMG-20150711-WA0027 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

Lots of orchids
IMG-20150711-WA0025 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

Sister posing with this massive N. 'Dyeriana'. Hope my cutting roots!
IMG-20150711-WA0022 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

Kevin showing me and my sister a result of his Capensis breeding project
IMG-20150711-WA0023 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

N. ventricosa
IMG-20150711-WA0020 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

N. 'Dyeriana'
IMG-20150711-WA0019 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

IMG-20150711-WA0015 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

IMG-20150711-WA0013 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

IMG-20150711-WA0011 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

Assorted Drosera
IMG-20150711-WA0008 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr
  • #15
Part Two! Sarracenia Research Greenhouse. Lots of top secret stuff in here! :rookwoot:

IMG-20150711-WA0067 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

IMG-20150711-WA0060 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

Kevin showing us some cool mutant flowers :-D
IMG-20150711-WA0053 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

It's all about the hands
IMG-20150711-WA0054 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

My new mancrush
IMG-20150711-WA0058 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

VFTs. Interesting that these were so much redder than the ones in the other greenhouse.
IMG-20150711-WA0055 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

IMG-20150711-WA0006 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

Smile for the camera!
IMG-20150711-WA0005 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

I usually abhor any psitt hybrids, but these ones crossed with S. rosea were undeniably beautiful. Wish I could have met who was responsible for these!
IMG-20150711-WA0042 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

IMG-20150711-WA0043 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

IMG-20150711-WA0047 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

IMG-20150711-WA0065 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

IMG-20150711-WA0064 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

IMG-20150711-WA0063 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

IMG-20150711-WA0071 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

Thanks for showing me around, Kevin!
  • #16
Eric! :angel: You went to heaven & back again!
  • #17
Dude! Those pics are awesome. Thanks for sharing. It was definitely the most fun day I've had in a while. And you got all the IDs totally 100% spot-on, too! I would love to trade, but unfortunately I've curtailed most of that since the department finally decided it could spare a bit of funding to assist me in developing the collection.

And you know... folks tell me I get wayyy too excited when I talk plants, and it appears from the hand gesturing that they just might be right. On my end, I wonder how folks could NOT be so overwhelmingly excited by plants that their blood pressure skyrockets into the next dimension.

You will also notice that the Sarrs and VFTs in the research room are also significantly more red than their counterparts in the display room. That's the result of feeding (or lack thereof).

I'm not at liberty to mention much about the nature of the research, but the plants y'all are seeing represent about 15-20 years of breeding. We have parents, F1 hybrids, F2 hybrids/backcrosses, and a generation of F3 babies where the F2s are crossed amongst themselves, amongst the parents, and amongst all other Sarracenia species. The F3s are where it really, really gets interesting.

Why so many x courtiis? Well, all I can say it that is has to do with the morphological and biotic differences between an enclosed pitcher (psitt) and an open morphology (purp).
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  • #18
VFT seedling germination in the windowsill (Thanks, katyadog!)
IMAG1173 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

N. truncata 'Pasian' coloring up. Lovely houseplant!
IMAG1172 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

Recently added D. adelae settling in quickly
IMAG1174 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

"Left Nut" busting a, uh -- I suppose you could guess what I was getting at.
IMAG1175 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

IMAG1176 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

Thinned out the 'Jaws' pot a little bit. You can see the dirt now!
IMAG1179 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

This Sarr mutt's looking pretty good actually. Might even keep it after all. :)
IMAG1180 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

'Cobra Nest' x 'Leah Wilkerson' CloneB looking good
IMAG1178 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

'Hurricane Creek White' x 'Adrian Slack' with it's 3rd pitcher of the year. ???
IMAG1177 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

Polygala lutea sent up some more flowers. These last forever!
IMAG1182 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr

'B52' and 'Ginormous' sitting side by side. Hard to pick a winner.
IMAG1184 by Eric Nguyen, on Flickr
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  • #19
I'm glad those seeds germinated for you. I've only got a couple coming up, and am questioning the viability of the seeds I sowed.

At least you got some. That's definitely a good sign.