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Drosera sessilifolia seed give away

I have 25 recently harvested (January 2015) Drosera sessilifolia seeds to give away.
Shipping is on me.

These seeds are from plants grown from 20 seeds purchased from Phil Mann in May 2000. The seeds sat in a refrigerator until July 2007 when they were planted when my cp interests were rekindled. Two months later 3 sprouted and have grown to a dozen or so plants and hundreds of seeds.
Winner will be chosen a week from today, March 9 at approx 10:00 pm EST.


Standard giveaway system
USA only
Add forum name to list
One entry per person
Selection by random number generator

1.dozer1028. Thank you
1.dozer1028. Thank you
2. SgtSarracenia... Thanks for the chance
1.dozer1028. Thank you
2. SgtSarracenia... Thanks for the chance
3. Tje25... thank you!
1.dozer1028. Thank you
2. SgtSarracenia... Thanks for the chance
3. Tje25... thank you!
4.jwalker thank you
1.dozer1028. Thank you
2. SgtSarracenia... Thanks for the chance
3. Tje25... thank you!
4.jwalker thank you
5. jpappy789- thanks!!!
1.dozer1028. Thank you
2. SgtSarracenia... Thanks for the chance
3. Tje25... thank you!
4.jwalker thank you
5. jpappy789- thanks!!!
6. vbkid- Good luck all!
1.dozer1028. Thank you
2. SgtSarracenia... Thanks for the chance
3. Tje25... thank you!
4.jwalker thank you
5. jpappy789- thanks!!!
6. vbkid- Good luck all!
7. savagegarden - great giveaway!
1.dozer1028. Thank you
2. SgtSarracenia... Thanks for the chance
3. Tje25... thank you!
4.jwalker thank you
5. jpappy789- thanks!!!
6. vbkid- Good luck all!
7. savagegarden - great giveaway!
8. SerMuncherIV - Thanks so much!
  • #10
1.dozer1028. Thank you
2. SgtSarracenia... Thanks for the chance
3. Tje25... thank you!
4.jwalker thank you
5. jpappy789- thanks!!!
6. vbkid- Good luck all!
7. savagegarden - great giveaway!
8. SerMuncherIV - Thanks so much!
9. w03 - thanks for the great giveaway and good luck everyone!
  • #11
1.dozer1028. Thank you
2. SgtSarracenia... Thanks for the chance
3. Tje25... thank you!
4.jwalker thank you
5. jpappy789- thanks!!!
6. vbkid- Good luck all!
7. savagegarden - great giveaway!
8. SerMuncherIV - Thanks so much!
9. w03 - thanks for the great giveaway and good luck everyone!
10. gnathaniel--thanks!
  • #12
1.dozer1028. Thank you
2. SgtSarracenia... Thanks for the chance
3. Tje25... thank you!
4.jwalker thank you
5. jpappy789- thanks!!!
6. vbkid- Good luck all!
7. savagegarden - great giveaway!
8. SerMuncherIV - Thanks so much!
9. w03 - thanks for the great giveaway and good luck everyone!
10. gnathaniel--thanks!
11.Jeremy- thank you
  • #13
1.dozer1028. Thank you
2. SgtSarracenia... Thanks for the chance
3. Tje25... thank you!
4.jwalker thank you
5. jpappy789- thanks!!!
6. vbkid- Good luck all!
7. savagegarden - great giveaway!
8. SerMuncherIV - Thanks so much!
9. w03 - thanks for the great giveaway and good luck everyone!
10. gnathaniel--thanks!
11.Jeremy- thank you
12. ps3isawesome - love this fluffy little guys, thank you!
Last edited:
  • #14
1.dozer1028. Thank you
2. SgtSarracenia... Thanks for the chance
3. Tje25... thank you!
4.jwalker thank you
5. jpappy789- thanks!!!
6. vbkid- Good luck all!
7. savagegarden - great giveaway!
8. SerMuncherIV - Thanks so much!
9. w03 - thanks for the great giveaway and good luck everyone!
10. gnathaniel--thanks!
11.Jeremy- thank you
12. ps3isawesome - love this fluffy little guys, thank you!
13. Dawlito - Thanks!:-D
  • #15
1.dozer1028. Thank you
2. SgtSarracenia... Thanks for the chance
3. Tje25... thank you!
4.jwalker thank you
5. jpappy789- thanks!!!
6. vbkid- Good luck all!
7. savagegarden - great giveaway!
8. SerMuncherIV - Thanks so much!
9. w03 - thanks for the great giveaway and good luck everyone!
10. gnathaniel--thanks!
11.Jeremy- thank you
12. ps3isawesome - love this fluffy little guys, thank you!
13. Dawlito - Thanks!
14. Darlantin - Amazing!
  • #16
1.dozer1028. Thank you
2. SgtSarracenia... Thanks for the chance
3. Tje25... thank you!
4.jwalker thank you
5. jpappy789- thanks!!!
6. vbkid- Good luck all!
7. savagegarden - great giveaway!
8. SerMuncherIV - Thanks so much!
9. w03 - thanks for the great giveaway and good luck everyone!
10. gnathaniel--thanks!
11.Jeremy- thank you
12. ps3isawesome - love this fluffy little guys, thank you!
13. Dawlito - Thanks!
14. Darlantin - Amazing!
15. Tacks – Very generous.
  • #17
And the winner is 13. Congratulations PM me with your snail mail info.