Hey AeroG. I kept mine in a plastic container that I got tomatoes in at the grocery store.They were under T-5 lights at about 80 degrees(max.).65-70 at night..10 inches or so away. 70-80% humidity was in the clear chamber I checked it twice,I had 3 leaves to start,one died after a couple of weeks,2nd one died at the 4 month mark which still has me stumped,I tore the sponge apart,but there were no roots,I pulled the last one and saw roots! Maybe I should'nt say this but about 10 days ago I painted the leaf with a little fertilizer and a paint brush.Bio thrive by General Organics was the fert.,Finally the day I bought a ceph on ebay, was Mon. 13th, checked it and sure enough you guys here confirmed I had a strike,I would have still bought that one on ebay because it was $35 shipped ,buy it now from (seller)root66nurseries.It will be here this week,and yes I see the addiction part of this venture.Soon I'll be able to have my own give away,Spring time I should have a bunch of Neps. big enough to ship! I hope this was some help,if not PM me and I'll get right back to ya! And thanks to RSS son for picking my plant as the ugliest plant in the contest!Not a tittle to be proud of.LOL