I'm a newer member on this forum, and I'm pretty new to carnivorous plants. I have a pretty small collection, but I am hoping to expand it. Today I am going to order the following Nepenthes:
N. fusca
N. spathulata x glaba
N. truncata
My current Nep experience only includes N. 'Ventrata' and N. ampullaria. The ventrata is pretty successful; it lost most of its pitchers but it's starting to form new ones. I divided it up and both halves are producing basals. I also have 3 or 4 rooted cuttings from the plant. The ventratas sit on my grow rack in a very sunny window with 3-4 hours of bright direct sunlight and several hours of filtered per day. I suspect that the plant is less successful just because of the winter sunlight. It really only started losing pitchers in mid-October when the days were really getting short.
The amp is much more successful. It grows somewhat slowly in the terrarium (under 2 26W CFL bulbs) but it continues to grow and put out new pitchers. Its most recent pitcher is about twice the size of the last one and it's working on a new one currently. I really love that plant.
Anyhoo, I would really appreciate some general advice on the species I listed. I have done some research, but I always appreciate personal advice, too.
Thanks for helping out a newcomer!
I'm a newer member on this forum, and I'm pretty new to carnivorous plants. I have a pretty small collection, but I am hoping to expand it. Today I am going to order the following Nepenthes:
N. fusca
N. spathulata x glaba
N. truncata
My current Nep experience only includes N. 'Ventrata' and N. ampullaria. The ventrata is pretty successful; it lost most of its pitchers but it's starting to form new ones. I divided it up and both halves are producing basals. I also have 3 or 4 rooted cuttings from the plant. The ventratas sit on my grow rack in a very sunny window with 3-4 hours of bright direct sunlight and several hours of filtered per day. I suspect that the plant is less successful just because of the winter sunlight. It really only started losing pitchers in mid-October when the days were really getting short.
The amp is much more successful. It grows somewhat slowly in the terrarium (under 2 26W CFL bulbs) but it continues to grow and put out new pitchers. Its most recent pitcher is about twice the size of the last one and it's working on a new one currently. I really love that plant.
Anyhoo, I would really appreciate some general advice on the species I listed. I have done some research, but I always appreciate personal advice, too.
Thanks for helping out a newcomer!