My robcantleyi has been bothering a bit lately so today I decided to get a little aggressive with it. It made a gnarled leaf about two leaves ago which I didn't want to cut off because I'm usually of the mindset that if its green you shouldn't mess with it. The next leaf developed fine but this last leaf apparently got caught on the gnarled leaf/ stuck in the leaf before it and ended up unable to unfurl at all. By the time I realized the issue it was a little too late (permanently deformed the leaf) and after about 2 weeks of waiting I realized it might just be best to clip off as much of the leaf as I could so that the next leaf wouldn't also have issues unfurling too, letting the plant get back to normal. After making the tough choice, I made a couple of snips being careful not to damage the developing leaf. Once I made the snips I thought to myself what a strange leaf for a moment before realizing it wasn't a leaf at all. It's the first flower from my robcantleyi. Not sure if its a boy or a girl or if it will even develop after all the trauma I put the plant through but I thought it was worth sharing.
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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMAG1024_zpsvz5dyco8.jpg" style=""></a>
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