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Thanks gill_za! Yes I have two cats that shed like crazy, and good luck keeping them out of the tent when Im in there. No matter what I do cat hair ends up on literally everything haha
These were taken about 2 weeks ago when the flower first opened... it has lost most its color now unfortunately. The photos of all three flowers below shows its color today.
I live near Calgary, Alberta so even during the summer night time temps are around 50-55. I have a duct to the outside that blows cool air in at night. The fan blowing air in is connected to a thermostat.
sad part is we get that too... idk if you've heard bout new england weather but thanks to the gulf stream we get hot summers and cold stormy winters. last winter was mild but previous to that -25 was commonplace.
do you guys get many big snowstorms? it can be fun til you need to get stuff done
This year was a weird one here as well. Above zero most the winter, but then we had about 10 days of -40C and a few mornings were slightly colder. We usually have snow most the winter except when we get chinooks it usually all melts.
I hate the snow though... makes everything take 10 times longer and getting downtown is a nightmare.
dang. How'd you get the rock to cover itself with moss? Did it just happen? Pretty cool..
The cephs are drool-tastic. Think I may have to replace my T8's with another T5HO fixture. The neps are hogging the big one.
Thanks mass, the moss came naturally (along with about 100 baby spiders after a few short days). The rocks were taken from a quarry and must have had tons of spores. Its tufa rock which is very porrus. I just went to link his site but it seems to be down as it asked my for username and password. I always leave about 1/2" of water in the bottom and it soaks it right up.
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