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  1. ps3isawesome

    Ps3isawesome growlist

    Ps3isawesome growlist (Updated 3/11/2016) This all began on July 3rd 2014 Dionaea King Henry Red Sawtooth B52 Towering Giant G14 Rosetted "Dirk Ventham's Giant" Big Mouth Akai Ryu (Thanks to Dionae) Unknown (From Lowes) Sarracenia Leucophylla x Tarnok Adrian Slack Adrian Slack x Judith Hindle...
  2. sflynn

    sflynn's Growlist

    Dionea muscipula- typical, several Drosera: adelea, many binata, 2 binata SG, 3 binata var. multifida 'extrema', several brevifolia, several capensis typical, 2 capensis typical seedlings, many capensis "broad leaf", 1 capensis "baines cloof", 1 capensis alba seedlings, 3 capensis giant...
  3. BaseDrifter

    BaseDrifter's Grow List

    Updated 2/21/2015. Sarracenia S. alata - S. alata var. nigrapurpurea (Mike Wang) S. flava - S. flava var. rugelli x var. maxima - S. flava var. cuprea - S. flava var. rubricorpora (Liberty Co, FL) (various clones) (Mike Wang) - S. flava var. rubricorpora 'agristats' x var. ornata (Phil...
  4. Jcal

    Ceph seeds round two

    Here to share a few more packs of seed. Seeds will be shipped in padded envelope. Winner will need to PayPal $3 to cover shipping/supplies. Few ways to get seeds this time. 1. Guess my favorite animal. 2. Guess my favorite F1 driver. 3. Trade for drosera tokaiensis. 4. Is random drawing...
  5. S

    Grow List/Trade List

    Hello, I have: D. burkeana D. capensis 'alba narrow leaf' D. filiformis D. madagascarensis D. multifada 'extrema' D. nidiformis D. pulchella D. scorpioides D. tokaiensis D. venusta H. minor N. miranda N. maxima x fusca N. sanguinea 'pink' N. ventrata N. ventricosa x (thorelii x...
  6. Radagast

    Radagast's Grow List

    Brocchinia (Carnivorous Bromeliad) reducta Cephalotus (Australian Pitcher Plant) follicularis "Emu Point" follicularis 'Hummer's Giant' Dionaea (Venus Fly Trap) muscipula "typical" Drosera (Sundew) adelae aliciae burmannii (anthocyanin free) burmannii (blush color) capensis 'Albino'...
  7. L

    Growlist of Lutz

    Once I was in a store and there was a corner in which some really strange plants were standing. They shall eat meat or something like that and they are probably dangerous. No risc no fun. I took one of the glistening with the sticky leaves. About 10 years later ...... Cephalotus Cephalotus...
  8. theplantman

    theplantman's Photo Thread

    My "sunken bed" under construction. I am going to begin collecting and breeding Sarracenia on a massive level. I'll also be producing some seeds for the ICPS from this. So much empty space... Baby Drosophyllum D. x nagamoto Cleistocactus baumannii Pilosocereus azureus D. burmannii...
  9. Cindy

    Drosera plants

    From my records, they could be any of the following...but what exactly? TIA!!! D. spatulata D. tokaiensis (Kagoshima, Japan) D. rotundifolia D. intermedia (Roraima, Venezuela) D. nidiformis
  10. S

    Seige Grow List

    Venus Flytraps Alien(FTS) D. muscipula “G 35” A2 B52 Big Mouth Bohemian Garnet Bristletooth young. BZ Razorback (ironjaws) DCXL Dutch Delight (FTR) Fine Tooth x Red (9)Flaming lips(FTS) FTS Maroon Monster (FTR) possible dying FTS Purple Ambush(FTS) G16 Green Dragon Ginormous Jaws(FTR)...
  11. Tacks

    Tack's growlist

    Dionaea muscipula • typical Drosera • adelae • allantostigma • aliciae • anglica, CA x HI • binata var. dichotoma T-form • binata 'Marston Dragon' • binata var. multifida f. extrema • brevifolia (Kountze, TX) • burmanii (Humpty Doo, NT, Australia) • capensis, typical • capensis 'Albino' •...
  12. hcarlton

    Hcarlton's hybrids

    Hey all, Over the past year or so I've been going all out trying to create a bunch of new hybrids, and I finally have the first one flowering: D. capillaris "Long Arm" x spatulata 'Tamlin': young plant adult The first flower just opened this morning, and though it leans toward the dark pink...
  13. Gigantea

    I have a cluster of unknown rosette drosera

    I picked with up from someone who thought it was a spatulata. I guess It might be a frasier island since I have a real spatulata and it has bigger leaves than this one. But it could also a natalensis, tokaiensis or some other one of those similarly looking dews. Maybe a hybrid? I'm curious to...
  14. Monkey

    Monkey's birthday giveaway!

    Hello, everyone. i have a pot completely full of D. tokaiensis seedlings that I would like to get rid of. This giveaway is mostly for new growers abut anyone can sign up. We'll do the typical numbered list thing and once I pull all the plugs out I will select the correct number of winners. All I...
  15. Oregoncp

    Oregoncp's Growlist

    Nepenthes ventrata ventricosa 'Lady Pauline' Drosera rotundifolia filiformis "red" tokaiensis spatulata binata multifida 'extrema' adelae nidiformis admirabilis dielsiana / natalensis (not sure yet, still seedlings) vensuta...
  16. pappydew

    Drosera tokaiensis x rotundifolia?

    I purchased a plant labeled as such and was wondering if that's possible. I understand the origins of D. tokaiensis as spatulata x rotundifolia but I also read they are self fertile. Is it possible then to back cross with a rotundifolia? Or was the plant just labeled incorrectly? I seem to...
  17. CorneliusSchrute

    cbennett4041's Growlist

    *THIS IS WOEFULLY OUTDATED* I'm working on it, alright?! Sarracenia purpurea ssp. purpurea Sarracenia purpurea ssp. purpurea 'Giant' Sarracenia purpurea ssp. venosa Sarracenia purpurea ssp. venosa var. montana Sarracenia rosea Sarracenia psittacina Sarracenia psittacina Sarracenia minor var...
  18. GemStateC

    Lots of Sundews for Trade

    FOR TRADE: Plants I have for trade (most are full sized or almost flowering size): D. ascendens ( Approximately nickel size) D. adele typ D. adele giant D. affinis D. aliciae D. binata coromandel, NZ D. capensis (red/albino/typ) D. capensis albino x aliciea D. dichotoma giant D. roseana D...
  19. R

    Looking for Cape varieties

    I have loads of Drosera tokaiensis seeds available to trade for some uncommon varieties of D. capensis. Not overly interested in typical, alba, or all red (got some already). I'm interested in any and every other variety so hit me up if you want to trade. I have thousands of seeds of these...
  20. Plant Planter

    Drosera ID

    The one with the Uncreative Name has returned with another question. (I have sooooooo many questions. :p) If any of you who currently are reading this have stumbled upon my Interactive Grow List and Eat Counts :water: and/or my photo thread, you would know that I have a lovely Drosera spatulata...