TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Stylidium debile (#2) (trigger plant) : small rooted division (bare root). Minimum bid $4. U.S. sales only; flat-rate priority-mail shipping ($8.30) paid by buyer, same flat rate includes ALL items buyer wins from this donor. Inquiries: PT@PhilipT.com
Stylidium debile (#1) (trigger plant) : small rooted division (bare root). Minimum bid $4. U.S. sales only; flat-rate priority-mail shipping ($8.30) paid by buyer, same flat rate includes ALL items buyer wins from this donor. Inquiries: PT@PhilipT.com
Work in progress...
Tropical/Mexican Pinguicula Species and Specific Localities
P. agnata red leaf November 2016, Feb. 2017, March 2017
P. cyclosecta November 2016, March 2017
P. ehlersiae - Victoria November 2016, March 2017
P. 'El Mirador' November 2016, March 2017
Typical muscipula Dionaea
Dionaea Bohemian Garden
Byblis liniflora
D. Adelae
D. affinis
D. Binata T-Form
D. Binata multifida (new changes)
D. burmannii
D. burmannii Hong Kong
D. burmannii red
D. capensis
D. capensis Alba
D. capensis "Giant" (changes)
D. Capillaris Long Arm
D. hartmeyerorum...
I just became interested in this group of plants and I began wondering what species are available in the US. Please respond and let's try to make a list.
Below are the available species:
S. debile
Hi, currently I have tropical Byblis seeds with location data and will soon have assorted Nepenthes hybrid seeds (e.g. whatever x ampullaria Black Miracle) in the following months.
Any fresh Stylidium seeds is most appreciated. Please drop me a PM. TIA!
Hey plant friends, long time no see. I've got too many sarrs and am looking for trades. I'm open to offers of anything but I've got way too many neps and sarrs, so unless it's something really cool I'm mainly looking for VFTS, sundews, pings, genlisea, or stylidium.
Here's what I've got:
8x S...
flava var. maxima
flava var. ornata
flava var. rubricorpora
alata 'Heavy Veins'
alabamensis wherryi
minor var. okefenokeensis 'Ware Co. Clone C'
rubra gulfensis 'Anthocyanin-Free'
purpurea venosa
purpurea venosa var. montana
leucophylla 'AJ01'
leucophylla 'Hurricane Creek...
This will be a thread mostly consisting of my carnivorous plants, but also some other random plant photos from time to time.
To start, these are some pictures of the plants that I grow indoors in my basement. I don't have any current photos of plants that I have outside on the deck. Since I...
Carnivorous means that something is a "meat eater". It doesn't mean that something kills the animal, or else pure scavengers would not be considered carnivorous. A vulture is a carnivore simply because it eats meat, not because it may on some occasions kill things.
Does that make everything a...
What are the categories of moving, "Sensitive Plants" that aren't carnivorous?
What are the categories of sensitive, moving plants that you know of, besides the carnivorous ones?
They are neat because they are animal-like.
I had some small, seedling sensitive plants that are native to the...
SOme new pictures of my plants
Unknow dionaea clone with very long hairs par dals009, sur Flickr
Dionaea 'black star' par dals009, sur Flickr
Drosera "pretty rosette" par dals009, sur Flickr
Sarracenia psittacina par dals009, sur Flickr
Dionaea 'charlie mandon spotted' par dals009, sur...
Alata (unknown variety)
Bicalcarata sri aman
Mirabilis Thai
Mirabilis Au Cape York
Mirabilis Viking
Gracilis red
Gracilis nigropurpurea (male)
Albomarginata green
Sanguinea red
Veitchii pink
Veitchii Bau
Veitchii Mt Murudu sarawak
Ampullaria Green...
Well it certainly looks like these plants do in fact have long roots. They're not averse to sitting in water either.
The pot is a 3½" square long tom (5" deep).
While we're here we may as well post some photos of the carnivorous bits too.
The same plant at the end of May.
I know it's late in the season, but with the weather beginning to cool off in the Mid-Atlantic US (a great time for shipping, btw), thoughts turn to the greenhouse and ...
Holy excrement, how am I going to fit all of my up-potted Sarracenia and their associated extra divisions inside for the...
Greetings all!
I have been propagating my nepenthes over the last month or so and have a few Neps which will be avalible for trade here in the near future. Right now, I have a fully rooted N. x 'Balmy Koto' up for trade. The cutting was taken in February and has been rooted and well established...
Im looking for some Stylidium graminifolium or debile seeds if anybody has any available. Let me know or send a pm.Or even a live plant or division would be nice.
Thanks Abel A.
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