TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Hello everyone, just noticed my (Spathulata x Spectabilis) "BE Best" x vogelii flowering and I'm fresh out of pollen. Any pollen will do, but something with nice speckling, and unique upper pitchers would be nice to complement the genetics.
It pitchers in flushes when it gest warmer so I will...
Highland Nepenthes Cooling and Lighting Solution Needed
Hello all, my name is Caleb, and I am new here. This is my first post not under the welcome section. I have a highland tank. I am not at home now, but when I get home I'll post some pictures. I am right now getting 73 in the day and 66-67...
Dionaea Muscipula:
Akai Ryu
S. Minor
D. Spatulata ( Fraser Island)
D. Adelae
Nepenthes ampullaria 'Brunei red' x (spectabilis 'Giant' x ventricosa)
Nepenthes Alata (cutting 12/19/16)
sown seeds
D. Capensis (Alba) 10/22/16
D. Burmannii (Green)...
Work in progress...
Tropical/Mexican Pinguicula Species and Specific Localities
P. agnata red leaf November 2016, Feb. 2017, March 2017
P. cyclosecta November 2016, March 2017
P. ehlersiae - Victoria November 2016, March 2017
P. 'El Mirador' November 2016, March 2017
I've been experimenting with growing Nepenthes hydroponically since March 2015, so for about a year and a half now. I'd like to share my results in this thread, and then give some details about my method. Thanks to TF member knuckles for sharing with me his experiences growing Nepenthes...
I have 3 Amorphophallus konjac bulbs up for trade. One is a fatty, the other two are young, but growing. I got the big one a while ago from DragonsEye (so you know they are the real deal) and the small ones came off the fatty. They have not flowered for me yet, but the big one should flower...
S rubra ssp alabamensis
S. Danas delight
S. Hummers hammerhead
S. Psittacina Walton Co. FL wilkersons bog
S alata red lid
S oreophylla sand MT al.
S alata "maroon throat"
S flava var cupurea
S leuco x flava var ornata
S flava var ornata
S minor
S minor "Okie giant"
S catesbaei x...
Smooter80's grow list updated 11/25/15
New arrivals
5-23 Nepenthes
burbidgeae x trusmadiensis EP SG
ephippiata SG
inermis SG
jamban SG
lowii x veitchii (k) EP SG
lowii x Sabre Dark Cherry EP SG
talangensis x mira
chimantensis Chimanta Tepui AW
elongata Ilu Tepui AW...
Hi. I'm looking to trade some nepenthes plants for some lowland or intermediate/lowland nepenthes plants.
What I have to offer:
N. Ampullaria x Ventricosa "Lady Luck" 17 inch leaf span
N. Spathulata x Campanulata 7 inch leaf span with 2 pitchers
N. Spathulata x Diatas 8 inch leaf span with...
The whole lot, US only please. Bidding starts at $1, I'll pay shipping.
I made the following crosses on this N.thorelli x campanulata:
pollen donor 1: hamata x platychila [starting at the bottom of the stalk up until the blue yarn]
pollen donor 2: campanulata x (spectabilis x...
Hello all,
I've been growing carnivorous plants for over 10 years. Most of that time I lived in Brooklyn where my growing area was limited to two small windowsills. I moved upstate a few years ago and my collection has grown exponentially. I am interested in all types of carnivorous plants but...
I am looking for a Lepanthes telipogoniflora. I have some nepenthes for trade.
These are rooting cuttings/ basals
N. lowii x campanulata
N. ventricosa x aristo
N. thorellii x aristo
N. ventricosa x spectabilis
N. spathulata x hamata
Pm me for photo and offers.
Hey folks,
My friend sent me this print she made. She said that she has no idea what Nepenthes it is supposed to be.
I think it could be something like N. sibuyanensis x spectabilis?
Just curious if anyone else had any suggestions...
Hi, I'm looking to trade a few nepenthes and other tropical plants. I can provide photos upon request.
You can PM me anytime for a response.
What I Have For Trade (ROOTED):
N. Ventricosa x Alata "Ventrata"- (fully rooted w/ small pitcher) *TRADED*
Anthurium Faustomirandae...
Here's my updated "Grow List", although mostly nepenthes. I do have many other exotic non cp related plants. I can list those when trading.
N. Splendiana x Ventricosa "Mata Hari"
N. Ventricosa x Alata "Ventrata"
N. Sibuyanensis x Talangensis
N. Ventricosa x Campanulata
N. Ventricosa x Lady...
Hi yall, ive been growing cp's for a few years here and there, and since I'm somewhat settled in my current place, I thought I'd set up a more permanent grow shelf. I dragged a free-standing wooden shelf from the backyard to my bedroom's south-facing window, put a few trays of live sphagnum and...
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