TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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This year I'm being the hillbilly gourmet for the holidays, fixed/fixing lots of special treats for friends and family.
Back in June I got a big bunch of Madagascar vanilla beans and a couple big bottles of Svedka vodka and started some vanilla extract :-O
Under the extract is a bag of...
I have 4 sub adult Madagascar hissing cockroaches Gromphadorhina portentosa for free (trade no longer needed). The group consists of 2 males and 2 females. They make great pets and their young can be used as feeders for many animals and plants. Just cover shipping and they are...
I went to the importers yesterday since they just got some Madagascar stuff in and got myself into a bit of trouble heh. My new additions are a trio of Paroedura androyensis, a pair of Ebanavia inunguis, pair of Lygodactylus kimhowellii, and a pair of Matoatoa brevipes. These are just the...
Begonia bogneri is a very odd Begonia, as its leaves are grasslike, and it's a miniature. It's a plant from a warm, wet part of Madagascar. It's tuberous, although it does not have an obligate dormancy, grown indoors. For whatever reason, it's gotten a reputation as a difficult plant, tends...
I have been asked for my growlist many times and I am really bad about keeping one so here goes (As of this posting this list is incomplete and only includes my Aldrovanda, Genliseas and Utricularias).
My Interests in the Carnivorous plant world
Primary Interests
- Utricularias
- Genliseas
Drosera madagascarensis Presqu'ile de Masoala, Madagascar 4 inch tall plant
Plant will be shipped bare-root. US only. USPS Flat Rate Priority $5.25. Shipping can be combined with other items.
Bidding starts at $2.00. If bidding hits $10.00 I'll add a couple of the smaller seedlings.
after years of waiting for the two to flower simultaneously they finally did. I cross pollinated four flowers each of capensis "broad leaf" and madagascariensis. as a bonus my nidiformis was flowering too. so i have a total of 8 capensisXmadagascariensis seed pods and also 8 capensisXnidiformis...
When I first got this plant a year ago it shot up then promptly fell over under its own weight and grew along the ground for awhile to about 10" before dying. I was distraught and puzzled as to why a plant would evolve in such a seemingly foolish way.
To my guarded delight, before it died out...
I don't know much about spiders but my fiance showed this to me this morning, I thought it was pretty cool and wanted to share.
Video and more info here: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn21124-zoologger-the-biggest-spider-web-in-the-world.html
I'm going to be redoing my Madagascar giant day gecko's terrarium soon. It's 55 gallons, gets misted daily. Are there any Nepenthes that would do well in a lowland terrarium of this size with a foot long lizard? Any other carnivores?
I apparently no longer have the want or time to fully care for my T's and roaches like they deserve. I have been fully consumed with CP's, and have been neglecting them to the fullest. I hate to part with them, but I hate to see them perish even more. So here's what I have:
8" adult female...
What I’m looking for: N. glabrata, N. muluensis, N. lavicola, N. rhombicaulis
What I have:
N. reinwardtiana “red” (rooted cutting with 2 growth points, no pitchers)
N. tobaica (2” leaves, 2 pitchers)
N. ventricosa (small with three growth points, numerous pitchers)
Unrooted basal of N...
Well, here's my growlist, and it is growing every few months. What can I say? CPs are my addiction, but a good one indeed. The numbers to the side indicate the number of confirmed growth points and/or plants.
Aldrovanda vesiculosa - Deceased
Darlingtonia californica – 1
Hey so i ordered a few plants umm almost a month ago. Anyways it included a free pack of nepenthes seeds I believe it was Madagascar something. I plopped the seeds in a pot of good soil and they haven't grown. It's been two weeks and I don't see any signs of growth. Are they dead? :(
I have an odd question.
Many moons ago -- about 3-4 months back, I think -- I saw an absolutely breathtaking Drosera in these forums... I do not remember the name but feel that it started with a G, and IIRC that it came from either Madagascar or Brazil.
What I DO remember was the color, a...
Hello, i have aristolochioides seed for trade, i looking for N.bokor, also pervillei, or other Nepenthes species from madagascar.
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