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  1. seedjar

    Wanted: Pinguicula lusitanica seed

    So, does anyone have any P. lusitanica seed lying around? I just discovered this morning that the rat living in my kitchen ate my last batch of seedlings. :( I've got some seed I can send in exchange - mostly Drosera and Sarracenia but possibly some other interesting things as well... Let me...
  2. P

    Piscesilim's growlist

    Nepenthes N. gracilis N. ampullaria N. rafflesiana N. rafflesiana var. alata N. mirabilis N. albomarginata N. benstonei N. northiana N. ventricosa N. sanguinea N. bicalcarata N. truncata N. reinwardtiana N. stenophylla N. macfarlanei N. veitchii N. maxima N. sibuyanensis N. beccariana N...
  3. jrod

    My Growlist

    Drosera D. adelae D. admirabilis Palmiet River D. aliciae D. ascendens D. biflora Amajari, Roraima D. binata T Form D. capensis D. capensis Baines Kloof D. felix Tuku Muruku, Gran Sabana D. graomogolensis D. graomogolensis Itacambira D. hamiltonii D. hilaris D. hirticalyx D. meristocaulis D...
  4. CPlantaholic

    CPlantaholic's Grow List

    Growlist/Tradelist/Wantlist Growlist Drosera D. aliciae D. adelae- lowes D. admirabilis 'Ceres' D. binata "T-form" D. binata dichotoma "Giant" D. binata multifida "extrema" D. binata "Tairu Bog, NZ" D. binata 'Marston Dragon' D. brevifolia D. burmannii 'Red' D. burmannii- typical D...
  5. R

    Utricularia graminifolia trimming for trade

    I need to trimming the graminifolia in my paludarium, its trying to get a foot hold in the water and I can't allow that :nono:. It will be atleast 1" X 1" of a portion size (well probably more, I won't really know for sure until I cut it out). Added a picture of the paludarium area the...
  6. R

    Utricularia graminifolia for trade

    Utricularia graminifolia up for trade, it is currently growing in a 3 oz solo cup emersed. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/38338419@N00/3142390140/" title="DSC_0352 by Smeag, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3077/3142390140_168db97a00.jpg" width="500" height="334"...
  7. jimscott

    Decisions, decisions....

    Aside from what seems like a capensis in every pot, I have what appears to be D. rotundifolia in a pot of U. dichotoma and a pot that has capensis and spatulata. They are doing just fine there. I also have a couple P. lusitanica that sprang up in a pot of U. calcyfida. Would you leave them be...
  8. Crissytal

    A Few Pings

    P. Aphrodite P. gracilis x moctezumae P. Titan P. weser P. lusitanica - This is what happens when a seed pod drops New arrivals:
  9. M

    My grow/trade list (2008)

    Hi! everybody:banana2: This is my grow list. Dionaea muscipula Dionaea muscipula ´ RED DRAGON` Dionaea muscipula ´ RED SHARK `= ´Red Piranha` Dionaea muscipula ´ GREEN SHARK`=´Sawtooth `...
  10. Wolfn

    Looking for Pinguicula Lusitanica

    Looking for P. Lusitanica or P. Lustianica seeds. PM me please.
  11. SirKristoff

    a few of my pings

    Top two: P x Titan Bottome left and center: P. Agnata bottom right: P. Ehlersiae P. Esseriana older picture of one of them but one of my P. Sethos once again, an older pic but still. some P. Lusitanica and a P. Primuliflora and a small P. Sethos
  12. PlantAKiss

    Pinguicula lusitanica seeds! Captain Hamata $8

    Well...better late than never! I managed to find something to offer. :D Up for Auction... Just collected TODAY! P. lusitanica seeds! Yep...these are the cute little guys! My container was a carpet of these sticky little pings...really pretty. Broken camera so no pics. :-/ From...
  13. S

    stuff to trade

    plants to trade I have a few items to offer for trade, as i am running out of room and until i get the green house finished need to minimize my collection to 1-2 plants of each. D. regia, i have a couple plants from root cuttings that i do not have room for. D. rotundifolia D. binata D...
  14. radjess331

    Radjess331s' Grow list !

    Utricularia- • Gibba • Inflata • Subulata • Sandersonii Nepenthes- • 1 unknown…random plant I bought lol just a baby still Pinguicula- • Lusitanica • Esseriana Drosera- • Alicea • Ivans Paddle • Unknown tiny one….. Air plants- • Bulbosa • Tricolor Succulent- • Broken rock Vines- • English...
  15. SirKristoff

    some Ping. pictures

    a few of my P. 'Sethos' (P. agnata on the left, P. 'Sethos' on the right) P. 'Titan' P. lusitanica, P. primuliflora, and another P. 'Sethos' i took from a leaf pulling a couple months ago
  16. Crissytal

    Crissytal's Grow List, North Carolina

    Please feel free to correct me on spelling and any other kind of errors. I enjoy trading. My extras come and go so fast it's difficult for me to keep this list updated. If you see something that interests you, feel free to contact me. I can't guarantee the item(s) will be available for...
  17. S

    Stormbringer's Grow List

    Drosera adelae D. capensis typical D. capensis alba D. capensis red (seedlings) D. filiformis D. filiformis tracyii D. dielsiana D. venusta D. nitidula (seedlings) D. nidiformis (seedlings) D. aliceae (seedlings) D. rotundifolia D. intermedia D. anglica (seedlings) D. indica (seedling) D...
  18. S

    My small but growing list

    My main interest is to have in my collection, every last known pinguicula so if you have one not on my grow list let me know. Beyond my Ping obsession i have very good luck with petiolaris and tuberous drosera and would like to enlarge my collection of them too. I always have lots of nepenthes...
  19. CPsam

    Sam's Updated Growlist 3/12/08

    Updated 9/27/10 Cephalotus follicularis Heliamphora nutans (Giant Form) AW heterodoxa x minor heterodoxa x nutans Sarracenia flava flava (little veining) flava cuprea flava ornata “Killer” flava rugelii flava rugelii Appalachicola Clone #1 rubra gulfensis rubra jonesii oreophylla...
  20. geckoman

    Josh's tiny growlist(and big want list!)

    Well here it goes...... Darlington D. californica (california area have to go look at the label) Dionaea: 'Typical' 'B52' '1955' 'Green Dragon' 'All Red' (seedlings) 'Dentate' (seedlings) 'Unknown' (seedlings) 'Jaws' 'Petite Dragon' 'Jaws x Petite Dragon' 'Vigorous' 'Red Piranha' (this one's my...