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Hi everyone i'm looking for
Pinguicula "Fraser Beaut"
Pinguicula sp "Guatemala"
Pinguicula Leauna
Pinguicula Florian
Pinguicula Jaumavensis
Pinguicula Agnata Red Leaf
Pinguicula cyclosecta
Pinguicula esseriana
Pinguicula ehlersiae
any size, doesnt matter to me, if anyone has any of...
You are bidding on: one Pinguicula ehlersiae. A healthy plant will be selected from the picture below and bare rooted and sent to the winner. These are plants that I have cloned via leaf cuttings from mother plants that I received from John Brittnacher.
U.S. only please, winner pays shipping...
Hi folks !
Nice to be here :) My name is Franck(dals09) and i am a grower from canada.
My growlist:
-Stylidium petiolare
-Genlisea Aurea
-Sarracenia Minor
-Sarracenia Alata
-Heliamphora Minor
-Darlingtonia Californica
-Pinguicula Moranensis
-Pinguicula ehlersiae Ixmianilpan
Hello, I'm new here, this will be my first post, though I have an acc at the flytrapcare.com forum I thought I'd branch out. Heres my list!
D.Capensis "Alba"
D.Capensis "Red"
D.Capensis "Typical"
D.Capensis "Broad leaf"
D.Capensis x Vensuta
You are bidding on: one Pinguicula ehlersiae. A healthy plant will be selected from the picture below and bare rooted and sent to the winner. These are plants that I have cloned via leaf cuttings from mother plants that I received from John Brittnacher.
U.S. only please, winner pays shipping...
Hello All,
I would like to giveaway some pings. These species and perfect for those beginning to grow both Temperate-subtropical and Tropical Pinguicula. I have these plants growing in little clumps which will be divided into two (2) packages.
Below are the pics of offered plants:
D. intermedia
D. filiformis
D. rotundifolia
D. burmannii
D. spatulata
D. binata ssp. multifida
D. Binata Giant Form
D. madagascariensis
D. capensis ( typical and alba )
D. dielsiana
D. slackii
D. admirabilis
D. binata ssp. dichotoma
D. aliciae
D. roseana
D. binata typical
Cephalotus Follicularis
Nepenthes Species
N. alata Lantern ....11/2011
N. albomarginata ~Triffid Park~ ......1/2015
N. boschiana - seed grown ....17/12/2012
N. boschiana (b) ~EP~ ....10/2014...
I picked up a piece of tufa that looked like it had lots of available ledges with this in mind... We'll see how it goes..
The pings so far are:
P. ehlersiae
P. 'Pirouette'
P. 'Aphrodite'
P. medusina
I had planned on putting a big P. moranensis in the empty spot.. but it appears that the...
Ultricularia bisquamata
Utricularia dichotoma (Thanks for the SASE, kulamauiman!)
Utricularia gramnifolia (Thanks for the SASE, flytraplady5!)
Utricularia graminifolia (Thanks for donating to the NASC auction 2011, RL7836!)
Utricularia livida (Thanks for the SASE...
My three forms of P. moranensis.
And a couple of p. moranensis hybrids.
^p. moranensis huahuapan, p. moranensis "highlights", p. moranensis (x?)
^p. moranensis(x?), p. "pinecone" ^_^, p. x "sethos"
^p. esseriana x moranensis (with baby)
^p. moranensis (clone x?)
^p. moranensis x ehlersiae...
I am working with a researcher at the University of Arizona who is studying carnivorous plant genomes. He is particularly interested in plants with the smallest genomes and Genlisea aurea and margaretae are at the top of his list. It is difficult to obtain much test material because these plants...
My Plant List:
sanguina Ulu Kali
x gentle
x ventrata
maxima x trusmadiensis
ventricosa x ephipiata
Lovelock NN5201181 merrilliana hybrid
Caesar NN1250251
Lorraine NN4881048 singalana x boschiana
Predator HCEP112
looking for just about any ping species..i have sarr hybrids to trade..email me at frogsintn3@yahoo.com..this is what i have:
P gracilis x moctezumae
P titan
soon to have
P. 'Aphrodite'
P. 'Apasionada'
P. jaumavensis
P. emarginata x cyclosecta
P. gypsicola x moctezumae
P. 'Weser'
P. gigantea x...
Soil mixture for Mexican pinguicula
Although the initial purpose for this thread was to figure out a soil mixture for upcomming additions to my pinguicula collection using components that were readily available to me, now it became a discussion of appropriate soil...
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