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  1. swords

    Campanulata x thorelii in bloom!

    I went to check on my Neps today and there was a bloom on my Nepenthes campanulata x thorelii: As you can see it's a male so if anyone would like to have some of the pollen it should be fresh and ready in a few weeks. here's a shot of the latest pitcher it made (about 6" tall): Here's some...
  2. natevincent

    Pics (DUW)

    New pics of what caught my eye when I walked into the GH after work... Truncata x Ventricosa Ventricosa x TM (From Dom Gravine...) Raff Hamata Clone 2 Sib x Truncata a bit more colored up... Maxima x Talan Truncata x (Ventricosa x Tiveii) Chillin between two pots wich made it really hard...
  3. H

    Lots of pics!

    I just can't stop posting pics!!! N. truncata x veitchii 'tristans' N. [(thorelii x rafflesiana) x thorelii] x veitchii H/L N. hirsuta x spathulata N. (thorelii x mixta 'superba') x albomarginata N. mirabilis (m), EP N. viking N. rowanae (a), EP N. 'tiger' x mirabilis N. viking...

    My New Babies

    Just Got These Guys Today N. Black Knight {Ventricosa X Ramispina} N. Lowii X Campanulata N. Ventricosa X Pectinata DC
  5. thez_yo

    couple nep pics..

    mikei (been working on regrowing after it pooped out after shipping last fall) clipeata clone U veitchii X maxima X veitchii X campanulata update on vogelli peristome burkei regrown after a year of working on dying for no reason..:oops: aristo popping the first pitcher it's...
  6. chibae

    Chibae's Grow List, a work in progress

    Grow List Tropical CPS Drosera: binata capensis Pinguicula: species essriana gigantea moctozuma moranesis [/LIST] [/LIST] Nepenthes: species ampullaria dubia diatas glabrata hamata truncata, LL ventricosa Nepenthes: hybrids aristolochioides x spectabilis aristolochioides x...
  7. thez_yo

    Random cp pics!

    Sorry...just not enough of each to merit starting a thread with one pic in a bunch of parts of the forum XD. Here we go: hamata SG!!! ...and all bagged up and ready for business! latest ceph hummer's giant pitcher surprise d.burmanii that popped out of nowhere in one of the minibogs...
  8. CPsam

    2010 Trade/Want List

    Hey all, here is a list of what i have available to trade: Sarracenia flava flava (little veining) flava rugelii alata ‘Judith Hindle’ ‘Hummer’s Hammerhead’ (alabamensis x psitacina) x alabamensis 'Big Green Thing' moorei “Green and White” ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x oreophylla leucophylla x...
  9. Capslock

    N. campanulata x (spect x tal) - 2 Clones

    Here are two very different siblings of N. campanulata x (spectabilis x talangensis).
  10. Dodge

    My newest addition " N.lowii x campanulata "

    N.lowii x campanulata ( seed grown), I have been waiting awhile for this one! I will be growing this Beauty in intermediate-lowland conditions. The size and color are already amazing, I already LOVE this plant Anyone with this hybrid, feel free to post yours in this thread too, I would love...


    ~Carns~ Nepenthes Alata Alata X Maxima Black Knight {Ventricosa X Ramispina} Copelandii Exotic Lady {Maxima x Talangensis} Judith Finn {Spathulata x Veitchii} Lowii X Campanulata Marbled Dragon {Maxima X Truncata ???} Maxima Maxima X Trusmadiensis {Lowii X Macrophylla} Miranda Red Leopard...
  12. Taliesin-DS

    Taliesins Growlist

    Nepenthes pure Ampullaria, brunei green, red speckled, CZ plants pic2 Ampullaria {West Kalimantan} 60~x (seedgrown) pic2 pic3 Bongso {Mt.Marapi West Sumatra} 20x (seedgrown) pic2 Clipeata {Gunung Kelam, Kalimantan}[clone 2] glabrata {Central Sulawesi, Indonesia} [BE-3257] BCP 2x Gracilis, 1x...
  13. Nepenthes101

    Breeding pair of Truncata x Veitchii H/L's

    Hello all. I received a wonderful rooted cutting in the mail today of a Female Truncata x Veitchii H/L. I also have a Male Truncata x Veitchii H/L. its going to be awesome when I'm able to make some seed grown Truncata x Veitchii H/L plants. Heres the Female Truncata x Veitchii H/L Here...
  14. pygo

    pygo's growlist

    Cephalotus follicularis Darlingtonia californica Dionaea > 'fondue' 'fused tooth' 'shark teeth' 'akaï ryu' 'dentata' 'dentate traps' 'fine tooth" red clone 2 'GC 4" 'giant big mouth' 'pink venus' 'red piranha' 'sawtooth" 'UK sawtooth'clone 1 'UK sawtooth'clone 2 f.rouge sombre f.verte type...
  15. F

    N. lowii X campanulata / hamata $40

    Up for auction is this dark nepenthes it is suitable for a 4" pot pitchers are 1- 1/2" Remember not techno savvy no pics available Will be sent bareroot Winner will pay the shipping of approx 5.50 Will accept pay pal or Money order Let the bidding begin @ $5.00 USA only Good Luck LMO
  16. jbradt

    JB's grow list

    let's see: Droseras: Scorpiodes Adelae Capensis (red and white) Nitidula x pulchella Neps: Copelandii Ventricosa Lowii trusmadi Truncata Sanguinea red Jaquelineae Fusca Maxima Ventricosa x Talengensis lowii x campanulata ventrata (x2) red leopard Cephs Cephalotus follicularis (typical)...
  17. Cindy

    N. campanulata female flowering

    Looking for campanulata or other species pollen. I live in Singapore so please include shipping period of about 5-7 days. TIA!!
  18. lizasaur

    Liz Lovely's Grow List!

    Grow List of the Carnivore Queen! I started growing CPs in 2006. As much as I love SASE and trades and giveaways...please do NOT send me unsolicited offers! I will post in the forums if I have anything to spare, or am actively looking for something. While I'm an aspiring carnivore queen, I've...
  19. Cindy

    Nepenthes in March

    N. hirsuta - never a popular species in collections N.rafflesiana, N. ampullaria, N. kuchingensis, N. khasiana x viking, N. mirabilis var echinostoma New additions - N. lowii x campanulata, N. treubiana Youngsters - N. bentonei, N. adnata, N. longifolia N. rowanae (assorted forms) N...