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  1. vft guy in SJ

    Steve's list

    Hi all.. *well here is my current growlist (update 3-11-05) Most plants have pics, simply click the name to view my personal plant. (note: most Sarr varieties do not have pics yet) Cheers Steve *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Drosera: adelae aliciae binata dichotoma...
  2. S

    Wanted a few sundews, vft and sarracenia

    I'm looking for plants or seeds(where applicable) of the following. VFT ***G14 Fang Fine tooth and Red Red Burgundy Red Line Red Piranah Drosera Regia Adelea Capensis all red form Sarracenia Any blackish plants or black tubes and Leucophylla purple and white. Please Pm or...
  3. S


    Last year I had the opertunity to grow scorpiodes from gemmae, unfortunately while on vacation in the spring, it got neuked! So I'd really like to get this again, does anyone have any gemmae for sale or trade? I would also like to trade for other pygmies, and being as I have none, I'm open to...
  4. S

    Seed trades

    I don't have enough seed to give any away, but I would like to trade for: leuco forms/colours, and other interesting hybrids. for sundews that are going to mature over 1" preferably larger, or ones that don't need dormancy. As you can see, I'm not too specific. PM me and let me know what you...
  5. S

    Malesiana inermis

    Last year I bought a batch of inermis from Malesiana. There appear to be a number of clones, because there is a fair bit of variability in pitcher colour. Some are pure green, some have a tiny hint of red, and some are flushed with red. One has gone a deep burgundy, and is definitely not pure...
  6. W

    Necps show

    OK, I'l start - This is what I plan on bringing for display at the NECPS Show Sat Oct 9: Grow Contest Plants, in 4 soil mixes Venus Flytrap "Red Rosette Giant x Burgundy Trap Giant Upright" Venus Flytrap Typical Venus Flytrap "Royal Red" Venus Flytrap "AKU Red Dragon" Cephalotus...
  7. M

    Ok i forgot.

    OK so i forgot. When do vft's put out upright petioles? is it before or after blooming? Just recieved a Red burgundy with all uprights, and all my other vft's arent doing any. Thanks /Quensel
  8. E

    S. purpurea problems

    In march of this year, I divided my S. purpurea, half of which I put into a mini-bog, half into its own pot, both on my back porch.(The plant was inside under growlights before division-er actually dormancy, since it was march when I made the bog...) They seemed to be doing quite well--the...
  9. A

    Did anybody say hybrid?

    Dear all: I would like to share these hyrids with you. I specially like the first one! even though the second one looks good too!!. Anyway, here they go! What i like the best is the burgundy coloured teeth surrounded by the whiter peristome. I like the red lips of this one! Gus
  10. Z

    some seeds for trade

    i have some leftover seeds from vareous trades and auctions. if i don't trade them or give them away, i would have to throw them away as i already sowed most of these. i am interested in anything that i don't have, so try me. if you don't have anything to trade, i would gladely give it to you...
  11. B

    red leaves?

    Hi, I moved my hanging basket hybrid Neps inside for the winter and have them in a 55 gallon tank with four 40watt flourescent bulbs on top. One bulb is a Coralife 10,000 K and the other 3 are the bulbs that come in an Oceanic Triple Bulb Aquarium Strip Light. I am planning on changing them...
  12. W

    Trading at necps show oct 11

    Hey everyone - Is anyone interested in CP trades at the upcoming NECPS Show in Providence Oct 11? I could be persuaded to part with any of the following, in person, at the show: D. adelae, several VFTs, young "Red Rosette Giant" x "Burgundy Trap Giant Upright" A few others as well, PM for a...
  13. W

    Check this out

    Hi everyone - Check this out. I fed my "Red Rosette Giant x Burgundy Trap Giant Upright" a blood filled tick that fell off my Father In Law's German Shepard. Go to the bottom of the page and click on the photo of the tick/dime. NECPS Flytrap Photos WildBill
  14. L

    I have 12 seedlings of sarracenia!

    Code Name m7 flava rugelii x Chelsonii m4 Flava Burgundy x Catesbaei H3 (minor x Oreophila) x Brooks Hybrid H6 (Leucophylla x Flava maxima) x Flava Burgundy These are what I've got!!! And it's about 2-4 plants of each! Any interesting info on them???
  15. G

    Orchid care sheet

    CATTLEYA KAT-lee-uh Cattleyas are among the most popular Orchids. Their culture is often used as the basis for comparison with other types of Orchids. Cattleyas and their related hybrids come in many colors, shapes, forms and sizes. Culture varies only slightly among most of these. This sheet...
  16. A

    Mike King's Open Day, Sat 6th July

    This year's open day was the best so far and approximately 30 people attended from as far afield as the Netherlands. Many people had plants for sale and I'm sure everyone was awed by Mike's mammoth collection. There were some rare Sarracenia on show, including S. alata black tube, S. leucophylla...
  17. A

    New to Sarracenia

    I'm going to buy a couple of pitcher plants soon but I don't really know what to start off with. I want something more interesting than plain green, preferably with lots of red. I've read the Savage Garden and Adrian Slack's book but it's really tricky figuring out all the hybrids. Here's a list...