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i have some leftover seeds from vareous trades and auctions. if i don't trade them or give them away, i would have to throw them away as i already sowed most of these. i am interested in anything that i don't have, so try me. if you don't have anything to trade, i would gladely give it to you for a SASE.

i have some left over seeds from the auction and vareous trades. either i throw them out or pass them to someone else as i already had success with most of them. sorry about the small quantities, but thats about all i have left of each type. i am interested in about anything that i don't have, so try me. here is the list:

D. binata Pink Flower F2 (1pack of seeds to small to be counted) -ALL GONE
D. aliciae (some seeds) -ALL GONE
D. filiformis ssp. filiformis (a lot of seeds)
D. capensis (a lot of seeds)
D. intermedia (tropical variety. a lot of seeds) -ALL GONE
D. glanduligera (a lot of seeds) -ALL GONE
S. moorei x S. catesbaei (2packs of 20 seeds) -ALL GONE
S. catesbaei x S. purpurea ssp. purpurea (2 packs of 13 seeds)
S. flava var. cuprea x S. moorei (1pack of 12 seeds)
S. (S. oreophila x S. minor) x S. catesbaei (5packs of 10 seeds) -ALL GONE
S. alata red tube x S. flava Burgundy) x (S. oreophila x S. minor)
(3packs of 10 seeds) -ALL GONE
S. purpurea ssp. venosa (1pack of 5 seeds)
S. flava maxima x S. flava copper top (1pack of 10 seeds)
S. minor x S. rubra (2packs of 10 seeds) -ALL GONE
S. popei F2 (2packs of 12 seeds) -ALL GONE
S. flava rugelli x S. flava copper top (2packs of 10 seeds) -ALL GONE
S. mitchelliana x S. popei (1pack of 10 seeds) -ALL GONE
S. flava 'Red Burbundy' x S. purpurea ssp. venosa (2packs of 10 seeds) -ALL GONE
S. flava ssp. flava x S. leucophylla (2packs of 12 seeds)
S. flava (2packs of 10 seeds) -1PACK LEFT NOW
S. oreophila (2packs of 12 seeds only for canadians due to laws) -ALL GONE
U. bisquamada (1pack. cant count seeds but looks like only a few)-ALL GONE

i also have some plants for trade. only for canadians:
D. capensis alba and typical (quite alot. enough to start a small
capensis farm. 3-4 cm tall plants)
D. burkenea (only one or two for trade. 1-2 cm rosette) -1 LEFT
D. uknown hybrid with spatulata (quite alot for trade. 1-2 cm rosette)
N. ventricosa Red (small division. about 5cm leaves, 10cm diameter.
only one left to trade)
D. binata (small 4-5cm tall seedlings. only one left to trade) -ALL GONE
S. purpurea ssp. venosa (large plant. in dormancy. 2 for trade)
S. wrigleyana (large plant. in dormancy. 1 for trade)

if your interested in anything here, email me at
yangzongyi@hotmail.com and i will try to work out a trade. thanks.

I would be interested in doing a sase if its ok i would trade if i had any thing but really dont have many cps so far and the ones i do i am working on reproducing them.Also are these stratified (well the ones that require it) I am intersted in your D. glanduligera seeds and S. flava 'Red Burbundy' x S. purpurea ssp. venosa unless you are limiting i per person.lmk
sure. i will email you my address to mail the SASE. so far, everyone that has contacted me should get what they asked. if your sending a SASE, please write what you want inside the letter. thanks. Zongyi

I am afraid the only seeds I have to offer are intermedia 'cuba'
I would gladly send an SASE. The seeds I am interested in are

S. flava rugelli x S. flava copper top
S. flava 'Red Burbundy' x S. purpurea ssp. venosa
S. alata red tube x S. flava Burgundy) x (S. oreophila x S. minor)

Thanks for your consideration and kind offer.
would i also be able to get a S. alata red tube x S. flava Burgundy) x (S. oreophila x S. minor) with the other 2 if so lmk
interesting, but i still don't really go by it. i don't know if it would be legal, but by the rules in Canada, seeds can be shipped if it is under 1 kilo and is not Appendix 1. if what your saying is true, then i would have to say that all the people that i promised seeds are under some risk. if you wish to withdraw, do so now. i will not withdraw to current requests, but i will have to refuse any more trades with the US because of laws. no hard feelings, but if you already requested befor this, then you will still get the seeds. Zongyi
You go for it Zongyi!
Can I get some of the intermedia tropicals please! By the way, those Binata you sent me still havn't germinated! Heres hoping!
sorry copper, i missed your post somehow
. i will try to get you the seeds, but i think all the S. flava 'Red Burbundy' x S. purpurea ssp. venosa where spoken for before you. the other 2 i still have.

carnivorkid, sure thing

bigbreakinl, sure. a email is soon on the way. the binata should germinate, they did for me. i don't know what color the flowers are really gonna be as its a F2.

I will email the 3 people in my post ASAP. Zongyi
  • #10
OK,  so heres all the ppl so far:
carnivorkid- seeds sent

Copper-seeds sent

bigbreakinl-waiting for SASE
CChang- sending the left out pack
Jalan Kayu- trade finished

Jerry Hartly- waiting for SASE
George- trade finished

elgecko- waiting for SASE
Syble- sending seeds
David Syme- seeds sent

Sarraceniaobsessed- seeds sent

if i didn't reply to any of you or missed anyone, just give me another email to yangzongyi@hotmail.com . thanks. Zongyi

  • #11
I replied via email...

  • #12
Just thought I would point out one small detail, if some one is sending you a sase from the USA they would need to have Canadian postage on it. The other option is a international reply coupon.

  • #13
I would like a packet of S. alata red tube x S. flava Burgundy) x (S. oreophila x S. minor) please. I am sure i have something you might want in trade.
  • #14
i replyed to you Sarraceniaobessed
. thanks. Zongyi