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Super Size Me: U. nelumbifolia

Thought I'd show my method for growing U. nelumbifolia, since I've had a few requests for info.
Nothing special really, just a couple 5 gallon buckets. The orange one has some holes drilled in the bottom. The black one is for holding RO water.
The media is pure live LFS. The plant grows in the orange bucket, sending roots/bladders into the black water basin below.
Growing in the corner of the HL greenhouse.. it flowers non-stop year round for me.

Nice, I love that! Could ya show us what's hanging out of the top bucket into the water basin? How thick of a layer of LFS do you have in there?
that plant is huge! I see those runners going crazy in that bucket.
Thanks mass!
I am needing to repot mine at this time...I will use your method.
This should work for the Reniformis as well!
gee! those runners are growing like crazy! U. nelumbifolia is such an amazing plant in my opinion, thanks for posting this!!!
Wow, great plant. That's the dream of any U. nelumbifolia grower
Super size, indeed!
  • #10
Wowser powser!
  • #11
Very impressive! Thanks for sharing!
  • #12
This should work for the Reniformis as well!

Ironically enough Larry, I took pics yesterday of my U. reneformis 'Big Sister' buckets. Going to start a similar thread for that species.

Nice, I love that! Could ya show us what's hanging out of the top bucket into the water basin? How thick of a layer of LFS do you have in there?

Thanks for the kind comments everyone.
Andrew good buddy, the LFS is about 6"-8" thick. I'll get some pics of what's coming out of the bottom, if anything yet. Started this thread shortly after moving them into the buckets.