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Sundew Wine

Things are starting to warm up around here and I've been having to use my air conditioner again. So what does that mean? It means that I can start making mead and wine (using heat from outside, by my front door, to ferment)!

Adding flowers and/or herbs to basic mead or wine can give it a complex flavor and sometimes elixir properties.

Last year I only tried one "herb" which was dried juniper berries. I was thinking of trying something unusual, more of a novelty really, and using Drosera capensis leaves and flowers to make Sundew Wine!

It still needs to warm up a little more, but in a month or two, I can start fermenting.
How did I miss this? I posted about Ros Solis here.

If you do make it, let us know how it is. (I'd say ship some, but you can't, unless you're licensed to do so with UPS or FedEx).
Great post, Natch! The "Ambergreece" in the first recipe is ambergris, a substance found in the guts of sperm whales that used to be used in perfumery. I'm all for leaving that out of modern concoctions!
All the more because ambergris is insanely expensive and almost impossible to find.
Great post, Natch! The "Ambergreece" in the first recipe is ambergris, a substance found in the guts of sperm whales that used to be used in perfumery. I'm all for leaving that out of modern concoctions!

Well, I can't imagine how much that would cost! I think someone making this will have to leave it out, if only because of cost, not to mention icky-ness.