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Hey, just got some seeds in the mail today, thank you sarracenia, and now I have a lot of questions. To start off do they need to go in the freezer? If so for how long? When I plant them should I try to seperate the different species or should I let them stay mixed up? Do I sprinkle them over the top of the soil or do I bury them? If so how far under do they need to go and how far a part should I plant them from each other or is that not a concern? Should I water from the top or the bottom? Do they need light? How much light if they do need it? Can't think of anymore questions at the moment but if anyone could think of something for a first time seed planter to know that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to anyone who actually got through this long message and takes the time to write back. Shauntell
Oh, they are mainly capillaris with maybe some intermedia, rotundifolia, and capensis.
If you need to store them for awhile (like when you dont want to grow them yet) place them in the refridge to keep them cool. To grow, JUST SCATTER the seeds over a mix of peat/sand and keep watered via tray method. Give them about how much sun your other CP's have and keep it humid by placing abag over the pot. Closness to eachother is no biggie, but once plants get bigger, you should sepearte them.

Capillaries, Rotundfolia, and Intermedia (if the temperate form) should have a could period for like 1-2 months then the temps and lighting should be higher.

Capensis dont need any cold period.
What do the capensis seeds look like and will it harm them if the get stratification? I would like to plant them immediately. I give my other cps sixteen hours of artificial a day. Will that amount encourage algae? I read in some other posts that it will. Do the need light at that stage or just warmth. I'd like to avoid algae at all costs. Thank you for all the help.
don't know about the stratification thing. but i can say yes, you want less light at first. once they start to gro increase the amount of light. i leave mine on top of a entertainment center (so it is high in the room and warm, and gets reflected sun and artifitial light) this worked for my cape sundews... kinda interested to hear about stratification of a seed that needs no stratification.
ps in seeds that do need stratification... the time limit is 1-2 MONTHS?? i thought i have read 1-2 WEEKS?? is this the same for all plants??
Capensis seeds are fusiform: long rather than round.

I store all my seed in the fridge, and this meets most stratification requirements, although not all. It does no harm to seeds to give them this sort of stratification, and the cold extends their viability.

Various Drosera species require different stratification techniques. Drosera arcturi and stenopetala require a 6 month wet dormancy, preferably with a snap freeze. Petiolaris may require heat stratification or smoke treatment to germinate. Indica wants high temperatures. Many of the tuberous species as well come from brush fire ecologies, and need fire and smoke water to germinate, or the assistance of Ga3 which enhances germination in some species, and will not germinate in temps much above 55F, similar to the South African winter growing species. If it is not cool, germination is problematical.

There are auxins in the seed coat that must be removed as they inhibit germination. Sometimes the rain must leach them out. I suspect that some seed even responds to varying photoperiod, or increased/decreased levels of ultraviolet.

Most seed will happily germinate in 2-4 weeks typically. If I dont get expected germination, I try to recycle the pot and sow a dissimilar species in it. There are often surprises this way. Be patient and never give up completely. I neglected to check a sowing of arcturi I put outside at the end of winter, as there was no germination for 7 months despite the appropriate stratification. June 5, my birthday, I happened upon the neglected pots: the substrate was nearly as dry as a fresh bale of peat, but there in the center of the pots were one seedling each of arcturi! I think in one more day I would have missed it entirely, it was sooo dry. So check the old pots on occasion. Nature works in mysterious ways, and usually on a different time schedule than suits us!
I stuck mine in the refrigorator too. For about 3 months and the seeds are germinating now. This is after two other attemps...time will tell if these will survive. They look better then the others *crossing fingers*.

Some people have said 1-2 monthes and some longer. Which is better less time or more time. Is it safer to go longer or sorter on the amount of time? Hey Tamlin, what's Ga3? Just curious. Thank you all. They are in the fridge now, but they are not planted. Are you talking bout in the envelope or in soil? Thanks.
Ga3 is Giberellic acid and when used as a soak for stubborn seed, can remove the inhibitory auxins in the seed coat, enhancing germination. It has also been shown to enhance the percent of germination in old seed.