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Radagast's Photo Thread


NECPS Editor
I've been lurking around on the forums for a while and am glad to announce I finally got my first CP! I was at my local nursery the other day and was browsing their greenhouse when I discovered this pretty Nepenthes. They said they just got it in a few days ago and I POUNCED on it. Just keep in mind this is not the final place where I'm keeping it; I'm in the process of getting everything together for my grow rack. Any help identifying this particular species would be much appreciated!

Nepenthes x ventrata which is a hybrid between Nepenthes ventricosa and Nepenthes alata.
Most definitely a x ventrata, and a very nice one at that! Hopefully (and probably) it'll be the first CP of many
Excellent, thanks a lot you guys. I'm feeling even more confident about my abilities to spot a good buy now that you seasoned pro's are complimenting my specimen! :) I certainly have plans to obtain many more CPs and establish a nice grow rack. I have a small collection of Tillandsia that I plan to incorporate into the grow rack so they'll pop up in my photos from time to time.
Congrats on entering into the addiction. You won't regret it! Your N. x ventrata is a perfect starter plant--very fast-growing and very forgiving.
Nice plant! My Nepenthes ventricosa x alata was the only CP of mine to survive after I went to college, and it's still alive after about a decade. You made a good choice for a first Nepenthes.
A most classic of beginnings!
Thanks guys!!

I just got my new 4bulb t-5 HO grow light fixture in the mail. I'll take a pic once the rack is getting put together.
  • #10
Well folks I've got my grow rack semi put together. I'll post pics of the materials I used and then a pic of the completed rack. So far the temp is standing at a solid 79 degrees Fahrenheit. Unfortunately I can tell humidity will likely be a problem. With gentle misting and barely any plant life and water it hovers around 40-56%. I'm sure that will change once we turn off our heat and open our windows as the weather improves. If not then I'll likely need to explore a humidifier setup with tubing (ugh...just seems like a hassle.). I also put a piece of thin clear plastic (feels like Saran Wrap) over the front to try and hold in some humidity.

Any suggestions?? :)

  • #11
Very nice. You could probably put some cape and rosetted sundews in there if you give them some misting. Probably some intermediate Nepenthes to. I'm jealous! If your interested I have a rooted Nepenthes x miranda cutting :) .
  • #12
Update: the humidity dropped to 27 but the temp seemed to plateau at 82 by the time the lights auto shut off. Looks like I may need a small humidifier after all. Oh well, I'll get all the bugs worked out...pun very much intended.

Thank you Charlie! Once I get the conditions just right I may take you up on that.

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  • #13
Hey folks,

Just an update on the grow rack- not much has changed. I temporarily moved my Nepenthes x ventrata to the shelf on the grow rack...However it is far too large and won't be the permanent home for it. I found an ultrasonic humidifier that I'm going to try so I can keep the N. x ventrata in a western window (I only have access to a northern and western window), but maintain good humidity. That will leave me with plenty of room on my small 3-foot wide grow rack. I also plan to wrap more mylar bubble wrap down the rest of the 3 sides of the grow rack...All-in-all it's a work in progress!!!

I also just ordered some carnivorous plants and will be expecting them in the middle of next week! The species I ordered are:

Drosera capensis, broad leaf
Drosera scorpioides
Drosera spatulata
Pinguicula 'Gina'

I guess I have a thing for Drosera right now.
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  • #14
i also used that reflective material for my grow rack, and also put it on all sides like that and it made it really hot. now i am not familiar with t5 lights but my 4 foot t8 the setup with the sides covered in that material made in in the low 90s and i know thats too hot for neps especially with low humidity. I'm sure though experimentation you will find a good temp rang with your setup but i stopped growing sundews and flytraps in my grow rack because it got too hot in there now i grow petiolaris sundews in my setup and it works fine.
PS. you will probably will need a humidifier for your rack.

i saw this vid and i used it as inspiration for my setup. i think you would find it useful! https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=IuhFfoBy6Aw
  • #15
Thanks for the advice! I have seen that guy's videos before and he was also part of the motivation to make a grow rack.
  • #16
Just an update on the grow rack:

I took the Mylar bubble wrap off and put it on an easier way that wraps around all 3 sides instead of in small panels. Keeps in more light and humidity. I also wrapped it around the lower shelf to give me more growing room. The bottom shelf I'm using for storage right now. It's not in the picture but I've placed a small diffuser meant for essential oils into the grow rack for now, filled with distilled water and it keeps the humidity around 50%. I still plan to get a more powerful humidifier that I can modify with a bit of tubing to feed into the rack. I also am trying to start reviving sphagnum moss from the dried form. I found some interesting guides online. Anyways here it is!

  • #17
Nice setup. Is there anything you normally put on the side that is open in the picture to keep the humidity up?
  • #18
Thank you! It's a work in progress.

Yes- I've actually shoved all the plants a little bit more to the right, to make room for an essential oil diffuser (the power cord fits through the gap at the bottom). I don't put any oils in, but instead just fill it with distilled water. It's ultrasonic however given what it is supposed to be used for, it doesn't have as much power behind it as other humidifiers- it can barely keep the humidity above 50% when placed directly on the same shelf. It also runs out of water after just a few hours.

I'm considering getting a more powerful cool-mist ultrasonic humidifier that I found online. I'd like to hook up some tubing to it and feed it into the grow rack. I've also considered going to a big-box retailer and getting a cheap clear vinyl shower curtain and draping it over the front of the grow rack, so I can still see inside and have access to everything- but will allow the humidity to rise. It's definitely been a game of trial and error lol.
  • #19
Hey All,

I've been considering making some changes to my original plan. Since my collection is quite small (and my fiancee hates the idea of running a humidifier w/ a tube that is routed into the grow rack), I am beginning to consider using those "seed starting" trays and one of those extra-tall "humidity domes" that are vented on the sides/top to allow for humidity & temperature control. I would place this contraption onto my grow rack. I plan to stick to drosera and pinguicula right now (no pun intended). Anybody have any experience using this type of a setup?
  • #20
No. I bet it would work! I think if you put pots in there you could grow lots of dews! You could also put in some semi tropical utrics such as U. sandersonii :)
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