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quote: "These are arguably the most beautiful of the hybrid Sarracenia."

well they just aren't my style. Sarracenia x 'dana's delight' growing alongside stylidium debile. has potential for a very interesting, striking pot. again, the color scheme is just not for me. so if you have plants with orange or pink hues i am very interested, but am also open to any and all offers. no overseas shipping.

Plant for trade, to be shipped bareroot. currently growing in a five inch pot:


Some of my favorite Sarracenia:

also check out my score from this weekend (along with the small pink sarracenia purpurea purpurea) Two growing points with slightly different hues to the pitcher top, girlfriends selection:


now come get yourself a large (7+ growth points) sarracenia x 'danas delight'
i think there real nice but I already have one , also a judith hiddle
i also like the orange ones , wish I could find a orange sunset
hey mickey. i read earlier you were interested in judith hindle but my mistake, this is the plant i actually have. i'm glad you got your hands on some new plants!
i have extra rubra's, lueco hybrid, and purpurea's if your intrested in any
thats real perty
I have a purp hybrid that is shaped exactly like that except it is a lime green with reddish purple veins.....actually now that i remember it isn't as wavy....it is shaped more like the other purp hybrid u have.