Hi! Im Quinton, and I'm addicted to CPs....
Hi Everyone,
I decided to take the plunge and create my own picture thread I have been growing CP's for three years and to say it has become an addiction would be an understatement....
I have always enjoyed everyone's pictures so I figured I would add to them.
Three short years ago when it all began.... Honestly, I am a little embarrassed to show these
Flash forward to this spring and you see color lacking, spindly plants due to the less than ideal amounts of sun I get in the woods (4-5 hours).
S. Oreophila x Royal Ruby
S. Purpurea
S. Purpurea ssp. Purpurea
After these photos were taken, I was able to move my entire collection to my grandparents house where they now receive 8+ hours of sun.
These photos were taken after a month in their new home. The damaged pitchers are from a pretty bad hail storm a few weeks prior.
S. Flava Big Boy
S. Rubra Canebrake
S. Judith Hindle
S. Purpurea
Darlingtonia Californica "Red"
And today....
S. (Rubra x Oreophila) x purpurea burkeii
S. Daina's Delight
S. Leucophylla Hurricane Creek White Clone E
S. (Leucophylla x Flava) x Leucophylla
S. Evendine
S. Southern Comfort (I LOVE this one!)
S. Purpurea ssp. Purpurea
S. Minor
S. Judith Hindle
S. Purpurea
S. Leucophylla
S. Flava Big Boy
S. White Sparkler
S. Lady Bug
My indoor grow rack
My first ceph purchased back in March
All the babies that came from leaf pullings and crown divisions from the plant above
Finally starting to produce some adult pitchers
Hummer's Giant
Two crown divisions
I decided to take the plunge and create my own picture thread I have been growing CP's for three years and to say it has become an addiction would be an understatement....
I have always enjoyed everyone's pictures so I figured I would add to them.
Three short years ago when it all began.... Honestly, I am a little embarrassed to show these
Flash forward to this spring and you see color lacking, spindly plants due to the less than ideal amounts of sun I get in the woods (4-5 hours).
S. Oreophila x Royal Ruby
S. Purpurea
S. Purpurea ssp. Purpurea
After these photos were taken, I was able to move my entire collection to my grandparents house where they now receive 8+ hours of sun.
These photos were taken after a month in their new home. The damaged pitchers are from a pretty bad hail storm a few weeks prior.
S. Flava Big Boy
S. Rubra Canebrake
S. Judith Hindle
S. Purpurea
Darlingtonia Californica "Red"
And today....
S. (Rubra x Oreophila) x purpurea burkeii
S. Daina's Delight
S. Leucophylla Hurricane Creek White Clone E
S. (Leucophylla x Flava) x Leucophylla
S. Evendine
S. Southern Comfort (I LOVE this one!)
S. Purpurea ssp. Purpurea
S. Minor
S. Judith Hindle
S. Purpurea
S. Leucophylla
S. Flava Big Boy
S. White Sparkler
S. Lady Bug
My indoor grow rack
My first ceph purchased back in March
All the babies that came from leaf pullings and crown divisions from the plant above
Finally starting to produce some adult pitchers
Hummer's Giant
Two crown divisions
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