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Pitcher of the Month May 2012


1. Only ONE (1) PITCHER per member may be entered in any particular month.
2. All pictures must be taken in the month of entry into the contest.
3. All entries must be clearly identified.
4. Entries are restricted to cultivated plants.
5. Contestants may post as many times and as many pictures of their entry as they like until contest closing on 05/31/12
6. Sequential pictures showing opening of a pitcher are fine as long as all pictures are taken within the month of the contest.
7. If, for some reason, a single pitcher cannot be isolated and a group shot is necessary, then the particular pitcher entered must be clearly identified in your post.
8. Plant must have been grown by owner at least six months prior to photo.
9. Times of Contest and Poll openings and closings are to be understood as EST.
10. Judging by forum members and guests in a poll opening on 06/01/12, closing 06/05/12 and using the Condorcet Internet Voting Service (Beatpath/Schulze/CSSD completion rule). The THREE (3) most popular entries (according to "proportional representation") will be considered "Winners" and the top 3 places will be posted in the 'Hall of Fame" sub-board.
** Please remember to clearly identify your entry!!**

Contest will be closed on May 31st 2012 at 5:00PM EST
Good luck!!

-->I reserve the right to drool over campanulata species and hybrid pics. Also, I will NOT be entering any plant for serious consideration in this competition for placement. If I do, please smack-talk me
I know I wont win but I thought I might give it a try with my first entry :D. Its finally of age!
Nepenthes hamata ~sg~ (Gunung Katopassa)


Oh very nice and red! :hi5:
thanks :p
New TM pitcher:



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That's always a nice looking N. x trumadiensis

Here's my entry. This is a career loser of the POTM contest, but I will continue entering it because I continue to find it improving and becoming more impressive. :p

Anyway, take it or leave it:

N. ventricosa x glandulifera



x TM get's my 14 votes. Very nice Brok.
Nice hamata, nice TM, but I'll compliment Dex for showing me that beautifully patterned lid underside of his ventricosa x glandulifera :)
  • #10
Lets add moar stripes!

N. veitchii (k)
  • #11
Loving the peristome on the K carn.
  • #12
Loving the x Trusmadiensis and veitchii (k). Well grown Brokken and Carn!
  • #13
Ignore this... I made major math errors...
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  • #14
Nice hamata, nice TM, but I'll compliment Dex for showing me that beautifully patterned lid underside of his ventricosa x glandulifera :)

Thank you Edward. I very much enjoy when this plant gets compliments. :-D
  • #15
I can't wait for the ventricosa x glandulifera to make uppers. They're going to be so strange looking!
Next month........ I'll be ready in 30 days......
  • #16
I don't see this posted in Pitcher Of the Month contests that often, so why not?


N. reinwardtiana var. samarindaensis

Careful, the pitcher has eyes...
  • #17
I don't see this posted in Pitcher Of the Month contests that often, so why not?
N. reinwardtiana var. samarindaensis

Careful, the pitcher has eyes...

I love it! To be honest, I wish we'd see more of the full breadth of pitcher styles the genus has to offer. IMO some of the more "plain" species are the most elegant. Thanks for sharing that exquisite reinwartdiana!
  • #18
Very nice indeed Edward, love the eye spots.
  • #19
Ventricosa x insignis

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/67847013@N08/6997470626/" title="DSCF2219 by rball0406, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7057/6997470626_ba9f8a3130.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="DSCF2219"></a>
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/67847013@N08/6997470660/" title="DSCF2220 by rball0406, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7066/6997470660_d435444e10.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="DSCF2220"></a>
  • #20
Ventricosa x insignis

That could possibly be the single ventricosa hybrid I legitimately like. :jester:

If it were a bit longer and had a thicker peristome, it could pass as a burkeii. :jester: