I'm reluctant to stress the poor thing more than necessary atm, so I might have to invest in a nice long pot in the interim. Give it a few months to fill that pot (oh, it'll fill a new pot. It took it about a week to fill this pot last time I repotted it, and the current pot is about 3X the size of the last one!)
From what I can see looking at it, there's at least three distinct "growth points" where the pitchers cluster, with blank gaps between (there's a bald patch right in the centre)
The pitchers come up fine but gravitate of course, toward the window where the light is. I rotate the plant when this becomes an issue to encourage growth on the other side. Unfortunately now with the crowding, what's happening is the pitchers as they develop are pinching against other pitchers or the edge of the pot, which then distorts them. You can see, when you examine them, the crushed section which is flattened. I do cut back the dead pitchers every so often to make space but it isn't enough.
It doesn't go dormant but it does slow down, not sure if that's just the breed itself or that i'm not being cruel enough to it temperature wise. It used to live in a bathroom that was freezing in the winter and dark as anything, now it's in the bedroom due to moving house and access to light. It's warmer in this house because it's a 1960s build rather than an 1880s lol. So we're yet to really see how it handles winter. Our garden is pretty dark and London tends to be a lot milder than Yorkshire where we did live, so I may have to see what spending winter outside does to it. My only concern is finding a spot sheltered enough, given we keep losing fence panels to the wind, I get the impression this garden isn't very sheltered from gusts. Not sure it'd appreciate being constantly blown over. I don't think it would like it out there in summer. Our garden gets very little sunlight thanks to the shadow of the house itself. In the front garden I suspect some brat kid would steal it because brat kids steal anything that isn't nailed down outside the house. That and the neighbour's cat likes to dig up all out plants in the front garden and sleep on them. He sees new soil and he just has to poop in it. Stupid cat.
I have potting media ready to go (Pearlite, peat, sphagnum mix) but I always like to make sure i'm doing the best thing before interfering with the plant.
So would you say the best course would be to put it in a longer pot of similar width to encourage lengthwise growth, then come winter/spring time split it?