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Happy New Years to everyone. I found this sight while seaching CP and terrariums. I've been interested in CP for some years now and have attempted a CP bog garden several years ago but failed due the drought in GA. Santa brough me a small H Potter terrarium so I started looking at keeping a small collection of CPs in the terrarium in my office window that faces the SE.

I've spent quite a few hours rereading "The Savage Garden" and researching on the internet. To say the least there is a lot of information out there.

So I've jumped in with several plants.

Utricularia sandersonii
Utricularia bisquamata
Drosera Madagascarenisis
Drosera Intermedia "Cuba"

Of course it is a learning process. I did unfortantely buy Miracle Grow perlite and peat moss, but did order some New Zealand LFS. I mixed that with some cactus mix (shreaded bark, lava rock, sand, perlite, peat moss). Sure hope it works.

Besides my interest in CP, I've been keeping a saltwater reef tank in one size or another for over 17 years now. I do have an interest in orchids but have not been very successful long term.

So maybe it's time to think about converting my SW tank to a terrarium for CPs and orchids!
Welcome to TF - sounds like you're off to a great start. Lots of great people here as well as loads of good info hidden within the pages.
Welcome to the forum!
Welcome to TF!
Welcome! Are you on any reef forums like N-R?
Welcome to TF!