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Nepenthes seed giveaway.

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This time I am giving two packets of seed of a home-made cross of N. Lady Pauline X N. [(lowii X veitchii) X boschiana], harvested yesterday.


The first two requests get these seeds.

1) If you've recently won one of my giveaways, don't sign up for these; give someone else a chance.
2) You MUST have previous experience raising Nepenthes from seed and be competent at the task.
3) I'd like to think we've established a habit of "paying-it-forward" when someone gifts plant material to the group, so I trust the recipients will participate accordingly.
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Can you mail to the UK? If so right now i have sown N.dubia seeds.

1. Minch108 if its possible thanks for the opportunity
Can you mail to the UK? If so right now i have sown N.dubia seeds.

1. Minch108 if its possible thanks for the opportunity

Sorry, I should have stated it: US addresses only, please.
1. Psycho sarah do we pay shipping?
i forget how beautiful N. Lady Pauline is! this will be a great looking plant.
side convo sent via pm.
  • #11
No. But you must qualify for condition #2. (And provide reasonable proof)

Sorry, double post. I would put something in the back ground to prove I wasn't just pulling the pic off the internet though.
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  • #12
would a pic of seedlings germinating work?

2) You MUST have previous experience raising Nepenthes from seed and be competent at the task.

By that I mean, you must have raised seedlings before -- to at least the one year old stage or older. Seeds with cotyledons showing doesn't really qualify. I would prefer these seeds go to someone with more experience.
  • #13
2) You MUST have previous experience raising Nepenthes from seed and be competent at the task.

By that I mean, you must have raised seedlings before -- to at least the one year old stage or older. Seeds with cotyledons showing doesn't really qualify. I would prefer these seeds go to someone with more experience.

I have a couple of young plants too. As in below 3 years. Also, surprisingly enough, succeeded in germinating nepenthes seeds on my first try with some decent success.
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  • #15
Plants you raised from seed yourself?

No, afraid not. I do have years of experience growing other plants besides CPs though, I might be relatively new to CPs, but I am not new to growing plants which some find difficult. I assure you, if I get seeds, they will not go to waste.
  • #16
1. Victoria...not sure what you want for proof but I have lots of experience raising Neps from seeds on up to young plants. I do have some goodies for the pay it forward movement, I am just waiting for them to get a little larger....the only thing I can offer now is heirloom tomato and pepper seeds. Also, any Nep seeds I get and have gotten will mostly be payed forward as I only have so much room to grow these for now....I plan on keeping only a couple of each variety for myself and sharing the rest.

Happy growing;
  • #17
This offer has concluded. Thank you for your interest. I look forward to seeing the great things people bring to the table to share!
  • #19
I wonder how the pitchers of this rather complicated cross are going to look, I doubt I would find pictures of it on the internet.
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