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Nepenthes ID


It's making a lot of pitchers. Are these upper pitchers?


No, those should be lower pitchers. Looks like a clone of N. truncata "Pasian," though a shot of the leaves would help on being sure. A lot of truncatas don't have very prominent wings past a certain stage, and upper pitchers rarely ever have any wings, and have very large, flaring peristomes.
Thanks for looking. Here are the leaves.
Definitely a truncata, I think, and with colors like that on young pitchers, probably a Pasian or other highland form.
By the way, on a different note, I've been meaning to ask how the pollen and seeds were coming along from the pollen I sent you.
They are forming but not ready yet. I won't forget you. As soon as they are ready I will send half to you. :-D
And thanks for looking and giving your opinion on this plant.
I cannot help you, i dunno this specie, but its a beautiful plant congrats :)
Thanks, Maiden.

Someone gave me their entire collection this year. I know he mentioned N. robcantleyi as he handed one of the plants to me. I was so overwhelmed by the plants that I did not try to remember which plant that was. I thought there would be labels in all of the plants but there were only two plants with labels in them. I've asked him if he remembers the names but he is 84 years old and he said he does not remember the names of any of them. ???

The one on the right was IDed on FB as a truncata hybrid. I don't think he would have had two of them.

I'm waiting on this one to bloom right now. This was taken Nov. 1 and it's still not open.

If you'd like to see some pictures of my Nepenthes plants
His whole collection? Wow. I'd love to see some more photos of those large plants. All mine are babies.