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here u are.. not much but hey i try....i also have some amophs and other aroids and many other house plants. i am interested in getting a ceph giant, heli, aquatic utriularia, sundews, and i guess really about everything

2 - Cephalotus follicularis (typical)

1 - Heliamphora minor
1 - Heliamphora heterodoxa

6 - Dionaea muscipula (typical)

1 - Drosera capensis (regualar)
1 - Drosera capensis (white)
5+ - Drosera spatulata
1 - Drosera adelae
1 - Drosera paleaca ssp. roseana

1 - Utricularia livida
1- Utricularia sandersonii
much - Utricularia stygia (aquatic)

