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My Bog garden...

I added a waterproof tarp and sand.

Then I added peat moss.

added sphagnum moss.

added live sphagnum moss.

added some plants...




Thanks for looking!
Where do you live? Can a raff and a purp live in the same area?
Where do you live? Can a raff and a purp live in the same area?

I have the purp growing in the peat moss and the Raff in the live moss.. We will see... Time will tell.

I live in Miami Florida.
The purp will need a dormancy period or it will die, and the raff will die if it gets cold temperatures like the purp needs. They won't survive together for long.
What other neps are in the moss? It looks awesome!
Thanks! I have raffs, amps, two bicals, two merrillianas, one sumatrana, all my lowland shade neps. Some pings and sundews. I will keep updating the thread for the non believers ;)
It looks great. Good luck with it!
The purp will need a dormancy period or it will die, and the raff will die if it gets cold temperatures like the purp needs. They won't survive together for long.

I understand but I live in USDA zone 10. What I'm counting on is N. rafflesiana and my other lowland neps likes Zone 11 and S. purpurea likes Zones 3-9. I just have to take out the heater when it gets to cold for the N. rafflesiana and other lowland neps. All plants are growing in partial sun I will keep everyone posted...
William I'm jealous! that looks great! I can't wait to see updates on this!
  • #11
I highly doubt its true that the purp "likes" zone 9..
it doesn't..if you saw zone 3-9 somewhere, its not true..
Zones 3 to 7 probably, but zones 8 and 9 will be far too warm for the winter.

the purp wont be happy there, its not compatible with a Nepenthes environment.
it will need a winter dormancy, or it will eventually die.

  • #12
Hi Scot, this is just a fun bog I did. I'm not trying to maximize the plants growing conditions. Most Sarracenia do well in zone 10. Sunbelle and Manny Herrera do very well growing Sarracenia here in South Florida. This is my van full of Sarracenia when I helped a friend move.

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  • #13
I'm going to steal that van :)
  • #15
I highly doubt its true that the purp "likes" zone 9..
it doesn't..if you saw zone 3-9 somewhere, its not true..
Zones 3 to 7 probably, but zones 8 and 9 will be far too warm for the winter.

the purp wont be happy there, its not compatible with a Nepenthes environment.
it will need a winter dormancy, or it will eventually die.


This is a quote from your website. (Which is excellent info By the way.)

"We know anyone living in zone 8, 9 or 10 is golden as far as outdoor winter dormancy..
just leave your plants (VFTs and Sarracenia) outdoors 24/7/365 and life is good.
You dont need to do anything about dormancy! Nature does all the work for you..easy!"
  • #16
Interesting. How/where does it drain?
  • #19
Hi Scot, this is just a fun bog I did. I'm not trying to maximize the plants growing conditions. Most Sarracenia do well in zone 10. Sunbelle and Manny Herrera do very well growing Sarracenia here in South Florida. This is my van full of Sarracenia when I helped a friend move.


Man, ineeds some friends like that, lol. Cool project