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Looking for venus flytrap seeds

Hi, I am a carnivorous plant collector and currently looking for some venus flytrap seeds, and other carnivorous plants seeds because I'm starting a collection and figured this would be a good way to start.
I'm pretty new at this so I really don't have anything to trade but will send a sase for all the seeds.
Hi Peter,

Welcome to the PFT forums!

Generally it's better to wait for people to offer up free stuff. Normally people post "wants" when they have something to trade. Otherwise, you should wait for the offers to pop up, which they do with relatively frequently.

That said, you should check out the sales page on this sight for three great forms of the VFT. Pet Fly Trap sells some of the healthiest, most robust plants you can find anywhere.

Good luck with the new hobby (beware: this will soon graduate from "hobby" to "obsession")
Sure Schloaty, talking about me again. Oops, better get back to the plants!