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I used to grow a lot of CP's back in the day, mostly Nepenthes, sundews and pings....had to give up my massive collection due to family health issues....all is well in the world again and I am looking to start up another collection to keep me nice and insane! I obviously dont have any CPs to trade however I do have plenty to offer the veggie lovers out there!

I have:
Tomato seeds (lots of heirloom varieties)
Pepper seeds (lots of heirloom varieties)
Bean seeds (lots of heirloom varieties, pole and bush, green and dry)
Various other veggie seeds (eggplant, squash, spinach, etc)

I am looking for:
Sundew seeds
Pinguicula seeds
Nepenthes seeds

I have grown all of the above from seeds in the past with excellent success and have plenty of experience doing so, Im not picky about varieties just excited to be able to grow CPs again!

Thanks and happy growing;
I have B. liniflora seeds...
Sent you both messages, thank you to you both!
I should have enough sundews now to grow up for possible future trades, still looking to trade for ping and nep seeds.
Happy growing;
I will have some Nepenthes maxima X x"Song of Melancholy" seeds in a month or two. I just pollinated them so it will be a while until the pods are ripe.
I sent you a PM Cthulhu138, checked out your photo thread, very nice plants excellent growing!