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looking for Drosera petiolaris

actual Drosera petiolaris, not others from the "petiolaris complex"

ideally looking for seeds but pm if you have anything
I'd go to Allen lowrie, he has several petiolaris varient seed, as well as plenty of other pet-complex members, also his seed is the real thing (as opposed to some ebay seed I have brought and ended up with capensis and spathulata) and the seed i have got off him germinated within 2-3weeks for some, I don't know what the costs are like for someone overseas, but I know he sends overseas.

You can google him and get a priceleist/avaliability list.
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Allen has an overseas shipping cost of $35.00 AUD whether you buy 1 pack of seeds or 200 tubers. I'd try to jump on a group order this winter if you're going to buy seeds from him, save some cash on the shipping.
I'd like to get in on a group order as well, he has a stellar catalogue
doesnt look like he has actual D. petiolaris. thats all im looking for